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Regular present subjunctive mood

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Presentación del tema: "Regular present subjunctive mood"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Regular present subjunctive mood
Grammar essentials #119

2 Conjugation Present Subjunctive
Form the Present subjunctive by using the yo form of the present tense verb. Drop the –o If the infinitive ends –ar Add -e -emos -es -eis -e -en

3 Conjugation Present Subjunctive
Form the Present subjunctive by using the yo form of the present tense verb. Drop the –o If the infinitive ends –er/-ir Add -a -amos -as -ais -a -an

4 Memory to New Knowledge
Negative tú commands = tú present subjunctive Ud. command = Ud. present subjunctive Uds. command = Uds. present subjunctive Also Nosotros commands = nosotros present subjunctive Ud. and yo are the same forms.

5 Practice- Conjugate the following.
yo hablar tú tomar ellos deber ella estudiar nosotros comer Ud. escribir yo leer nosotros beber hable tomes deban estudie comamos escriba lea bebamos

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