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Personal Identification Unit

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Presentación del tema: "Personal Identification Unit"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Personal Identification Unit
Capítulo 1 Personal Identification Unit

2 Hagan ahora: Emparejan el vocabulario (los opuestos)
___ 1. perezoso ___ 2. serio ___ 3. gordo ___ 4. lindo ___ 5. alto flaco gracioso bajo ambicioso feo


4 Apuntes de gramática: Negative statements
By “negative” statement, we simply mean a “not” statement. To make a statement negative in Spanish, simply put “no” in front of the verb. So, the word “no” works the same as when we use the word “not” in English This rule applies to both singular and plural sentences. Por ejemplo: Lorena no es rubia. (Lorena is not blonde).

5 Apuntes de gramática: Negative statements
You will often find use for writing/saying negative statements when you are trying to emphasize what’s true. Por ejemplo: Señora Mignano no es alta. Ella es baja. (^explains the false^)  (^emphasizes the truth^)

6 Practica Write, in Spanish, the negative statement that would accompany the already given statement: 1. Mi amigo es ambicioso. 2. Yo soy morena. 3. Tú eres una muchacha. Mi amigo no es perezoso. Yo no soy rubia. Tú no eres un muchacho.

7 Apuntes de gramática: Expressing degree/intensity
Sometimes in Spanish, we may wish to put more emphasis on the degree/intensity to which we are describing someone or something. When such is the case, we can use these vocabulary words to help us: bastante = rather, quite muy = very

8 Apuntes de gramática: Expressing degree/intensity
Por ejemplo: El español es bastante interesante. Spanish is rather interesting. OR Spanish is quite interesting. Rocco es muy lindo. Rocco is very cute.

9 Apuntes de gramática: Expressing degree/intensity
Also, to express an intensity when we are trying to express something opposite of something previously stated, we will use this expression: No, de ninguna manera = No, by no means

10 Apuntes de gramática: Expressing degree/intensity
Por ejemplo ¿Es muy seria Teresa? No, de ninguna manera. Ella es muy graciosa.

11 Practica 1 To practice using “No, de ninguna manera”, take turns speaking with your partner when you try exercise 5 on page 17 in the textbook.

12 Practica 2: Translate into Spanish
1. Ricardo is not lazy. He is quite ambitious. 2. I am not blonde. I am brunette. 3. The student is not Spanish. She is Italian. 4. You are not ugly. You are good-looking. 5. Rosa is not short. She is very tall.

13 Practica 2: ANSWERS 1. Ricardo no es perezoso. Él es bastante ambicioso. 2. Yo no soy rubio(a). Yo soy moreno(a). 3. La alumna no es española. Ella es italiana. 4. Tú no eres feo(a). Tú eres guapo(a). 5. Rosa no es baja. Ella es muy alta.

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