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Medical Spanish Intro Ben Tanner.

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Presentación del tema: "Medical Spanish Intro Ben Tanner."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Medical Spanish Intro Ben Tanner

2 Goals, Motivation What are your current skills?
What do you want them to be? What will you do to accomplish that?

3 Tools Available There are many
My website with lots of resources for learning Spanish: For Medical Spanish: This book I have, it’s pretty good. Lots of other books, Audio, and even online courses. You don’t need a large number of resources, but you do need a desire to learn, and discipline to set aside a little time consistently.

4 Fundamentals - Pronunciation
Vowel Sounds A Ahh E Ehh I ee O oohh U eww

5 What can you do right now?
Dialysis? RMA (for straightforward CC’s)? Rapport building (e.g. before interpreter comes)? Others?

6 Dialysis Are you coming in just for dialysis today?
How many days since your last dialysis? How do you feel? Same as usual? Any chest pain or pressure? Shortness of breath? Your blood pressure is high today. Do you take medication for HTN? Which one? Viene solo para dialysis hoy? Hace cuantos días desde su último dialysis? Como se siente? Normal? Dolor o presión en el pecho? Falta de aire? Su presión de sangre está alta hoy. Toma medicina para alta presión? Cuál es?

7 RMA – Chest Pain Does your chest hurt? Where exactly? How many days?
Sharp pain? Pressure? Where exactly? How many days? All the time? How many minutes / seconds? Is it worse with… With exertion? Do you feel short of breath? Other pain? Point to where Do you have heart problems? Le duele el pecho? Dolor agudo? Presión? Donde exactamente? Cuántos días? Todo el tiempo? Cuántos minutos / segundos? Es peor.. Cuando se agita? Siente falta de aire? Otro dolor? Señale donde Tiene problemas del corozón?

8 RMA – Abdominal Pain Does your belly (abdomen) hurt? Where exactly?
Sharp pain? Pressure? Where exactly? How many days? All the time? How many minutes / seconds? Nausea or vomiting? Diarrhea? When you urinate… Does it burn? Is there blood? Any vaginal bleeding or discharge? Have you had surgery before in your abdomen? Le duele la panza (el abdomen)? Dolor agudo? Presión? Donde exactamente? Cuántos días? Todo el tiempo? Cuántos minutos / segundos? Nausea o vómitos? Diarrea? Cuando orina… Le arde? Hay sangre? Tiene sangrado o flujo de la vagina? Ha tenido sirugía en el abdomen antes?

9 RMA – General Do you have… a headache? Fever or chills?
Chest pain (or pressure)? Shortness of breath? Abdominal pain? Vomiting? Leg pain or swelling? Anything else? Tiene… dolor de cabeza? Fiebre o escalofríos? Dolor (o presión) en el pecho? Falta de aire? Dolor en el abdomen? Vómitos? Dolor o hinchazón de las piernas? Algo más?

10 Where do you go from here?
If you want to learn…. Find a few resources Book(s) App(s) Audio / video (such as podcasts) Spend a few minutes practicing on most days Find a buddy to practice with, or go to public places Consistent study and consistent practice – even as little as 15 min / day Do what you can in the ER Test your limits Then get an interpreter if you need one Ask the interpreter for tips, and to clarify words and phrases

11 Questions?

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