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Mi Viaje al Zoológico My Trip to the Zoo.

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Presentación del tema: "Mi Viaje al Zoológico My Trip to the Zoo."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Mi Viaje al Zoológico My Trip to the Zoo

2 -ar action verbs abrazar – to hug arrojar – to throw bailar – to dance
balancear – to swing caminar – to walk cantar – to sing culebrar – to slither descansar – to rest hablar – to talk jugar – to play levantar – to lift llevar – to carry mirar – to watch / look at nadar – to swim patear – to kick saltar – to jump trabajar – to work volar – to fly

3 Animals la girafa – giraffe el elefante – elephant
el reptile – reptile la iguana – iguana la tortuga – turtle la serpiente – snake el loro – parrot el mono – monkey el gorila – gorilla el león – lion el ganso – goose la rana – frog el lobo – wolf el serpiente – snake el oso – bear el tigre

4 Yo miro al oso. (I look at the bear) El oso camina. (The bear walks)
Each page should contain two sentences. The first should tell what animal you look at. The second should tell what the animal does. Yo miro al oso. (I look at the bear) El oso camina. (The bear walks)

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