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Wooo hooo… This is going to be exciting!
Spanish Adjectives Wooo hooo… This is going to be exciting! Created by Maria Turner Buckley Community Schools
What is an adjective? An adjective is a description word.
In Spanish, adjectives must agree in gender and number… More on that in a bit. Most adjectives in Spanish come after the noun that they are describing.
Let’s review some vocab
El perro (dog) La mariposa (butterfly) Es (is) Feo (ugly) Bonito (pretty) Pequeño (small) Grande (big)
El perro pequeño es feo. El perro feo es pequeño.
La mariposa grande es bonita.
La mariposa bonita es grande. Notice how “bonito” changed to “bonita”, but “grande” stayed the same.
El perro pequeño es feo. El perro feo es pequeño.
Since the word perro is masculine, all of the adjectives that describe it are also masculine.
La mariposa grande es bonita.
La mariposa bonita es grande. Notice how “bonito” changed to “bonita”, Because the word mariposa is feminine.
If an adjective ends in an –o, it will change to an –a if the noun is feminine.
If the adjective ends in a consonant or an –e, it will be the same for both masculine and feminine.
Los perros grandes son bonitos.
Los perros grandes son bonitos.
Since the word perros is masculine and plural, all of the adjectives are also masculine and plural.
¡Las mariposas bonitas
son maravillosas! Note that since the word mariposas is plural, so are the adjectives that describe it.
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