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Direct Object pronouns Guided notes
They answer the question: whom? or what? about the verb Examples: I have the backpack. What do I have? The backpack The Direct Object(DO) is the backpack.
Yo tengo la mochila. I have the backpack. ¿Qué tengo? La mochila la mochila is our Direct Object 3. WHY DO WE USE DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS? To avoid repetition. Ex: I have a backpack. The backpack is on the table. I like my backpack. Better: I have a backpack. It is on the table. I like it.
Direct Object Pronouns Singular Plural me us you You all Him Them (masc.) Her Them (fem.) It ( masc. & fem.) Them
Direct Object Pronouns Singular Plural me nos te os lo ( him) los la (her) las lo / la (it) los / las
The DO pronouns are placed directly BEFORE the conjugated verbs! Yo tengo la mochila. Luis mira a su perro. Replaced by Yo la tengo. Replaced by Luis lo mira.
Placement 2 When an infinitive follows the conjugated verb, the direct object pronoun can be placed before the conjugated verb or ATTACHED to the infinitive. voy a lavar la ropa. voy a lavarla. BEFORE la voy a lavar. ATTACHED
la lo lo lo lo la VAMOS A PRACTICAR El cuaderno La mochila El libro
La pluma La mochila El lápiz El papel ¿Tienes la mochila? ….. Sí la tengo. la lo lo lo lo la
Replace the DO with a DOP
Yo compraré los zapatos Yo LOS compraré Ella comerá la langosta Ella LA comerá Yo me LO pondré Yo me pondré el abrigo Yo voy a regalar el reloj de oro a mi novia. Yo LO voy a regalar a mi novia Yo voy a regalar LO a mi novia
Indirect Object pronouns Guided notes
What are indirect objects in English?
They receive the action of the direct object. Answer the question: to whom? or for whom? the action is done Examples: I give the backpack to Rosa. Who is receiving the backpack? ROSA The Indirect Object (IO) is ROSA.
So what would it be in Spanish?
Yo doy la mochila a Rosa. I gave the backpack to Rosa. Rosa is our Indirect Object Instead of always saying to Rosa, what could we change it to? ~ Let’s put HER in there!
Indirect Object Pronouns
The Pros at IOs Here’s how we say replace those indirect object nouns with their pronouns: Indirect Object Pronouns Singular Plural me ( me) nos (us) te ( you- familiar) os (you-all, familiar) le (you-formal, him, her) les (you, them)
Placing the Pros The IO pronouns accompany the NOUN it modifies OR replace the NOUN. The pronoun appears BEFORE the conjugated verbs. Mamá les da el dinero a José y Ana. Mom gives José and Ana the money. Mamá les da el dinero. Mom gives them the money. Accompanies (IO)Replaces José y Ana
Another Placing When an infinitive follows the conjugated verb, the Indirect Object pronoun can be placed BEFORE the conjugated verb or ATTACHED to the infinitive. Le voy a vender mi coche a Sara. I’m going to sell Sara my car. IO Comes before the Conjugated Verb Le voy a vender mi coche. or attached Voy a venderle mi coche. I’m going to sell her my car.
Práctica Ejemplo: El agente/vender/los boletos/ a nosotros
El agente nos vende los boletos. Mi padre/pagar/cuatrocientos dólares/ a la agente de viajes. Mi padre le paga cuatrocientos dólares. Yo/dar/mi perro/ a ti. Yo te doy mi perro. Mi madre/regalar/un libro/ a mí. Mi madre me regala un libro.
Indirect & Direct Object pronouns Guided notes
Direct Object Pronouns
Let’s Review DO’s The DO Pro’s are: Placement: Before the Conjugated Verbs or attached to the Infinitive Yo tengo la mochila. Yo la tengo. Yo voy a comprar la mochila. Yo voy a comprarla Direct Object Pronouns Singular Plural me me nos us te you os you-all familiar lo (masculine, you-formal, him, it) la (feminine, you-formal, her, it) los (masculine, you-all, (formal), them) las (feminine, you-all(formal),them)
Indirect Object Pronouns
Let’s Review IO’s The IO pro’s are: Placement: Before the conjugated verb (replacing or accompanying a noun) or attached to the infinitive. Yo le doy la mochila a Rosa. OR Yo voy a darle la mochila. Indirect Object Pronouns Singular Plural me me nos us te you os you-all familiar le (you(formal), him, her, it) les (you-all (formal), them)
Let’s put them together
Rule 1: When you have both direct and indirect objects in one sentence, place the INDIRECT pronoun FIRST! Yo doy la mochila a tí. I gave the backpack to you. DO - la So if we put them together… Yo te la doy. I gave it to you. I.D. IO - te
Let’s put them together
RULE 2: If a conjugated verb appears with an infinitive form you can put the pronouns: Before the conjugated verb. Attached to the infinitive form. “Voy a dar una mochila a tí” Before Te la voy a dar Attached Voy a dártela Note: accent will be given to stressed vowel when attached.
Let’s put them together
RULE 2b: If the verb is in the (present progressive) -ndo form you can put the pronouns: Before the conjugated verb. Attached to the (gerund) -ndo form. “Estoy comprando una mochila para tí” Before Te la estoy comprando Attached Estoy comprándotela Note: accent will be given to stressed vowel when attached
Let’s put them together
RULE 3: If both the pronouns start with the letter L, the INDIRECT pronoun changes to SE Doy la mochila a Rosa. IO for Rosa? Le DO for la mochila? La Double L calls for Change! “Se la doy.” If les is your IO, you change it to SE
se lo, se la, se los, se las Yo te lo tiré el balón. . Tú me tiraste
I threw the ball to you. I threw it to you. correct Yo te lo tiré el balón. . You threw the ball to me. You threw it to me. correct Tú me tiraste lo el balón. . Le and les must change to se before lo, la, los or las. I threw it to him. I threw the ball to him. incorrect correct Yo se le lo tiré el balón. . You can’t “le lo” in Spanish! The context of the situation or the previous statement or question will clarify the meaning of se. Notice the following slide.
se lo, se la, se los, se las ¿Le prestas el dinero a Lupita?
Will you lend Lupita the money? No, no se lo presto. Es mucho dinero. No, I won’t lend it to her. It’s a lot of money. Queremos comprarles los juguetes a los niños, ¿no? We want to buy the toys for the children, right? Sí, vamos a comprárselos mañana. Yes, we’ll buy them for them tomorrow.
Vamos a practicar Mandaron los boletos por correo a Juan.
Doy las mochilas a Ricardo. Mi madre y yo leímos el libro a Roberto. ¿Trajiste la pluma a Ana.
Las respuestas Mandaron los boletos por correo a Juan.
Se los mandaron por correo. Doy las mochilas a ti. Te las doy. Mi madre y yo leímos el libro a Roberto. Mi madre y yo se lo leímos. ¿Trajiste la pluma a mi. ¿ Me la trajiste?
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