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These drawings represent constructions of intersecting coordinate lines. These flexible geometrical constructions together with signals and frequencies.

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Presentación del tema: "These drawings represent constructions of intersecting coordinate lines. These flexible geometrical constructions together with signals and frequencies."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 These drawings represent constructions of intersecting coordinate lines. These flexible geometrical constructions together with signals and frequencies appear to have movement and generate energy, possibly in the form of light and sound. Also visible are partial images of the beings spinal cord. Estos dibujos representan construcciones de lineas dimensionales en perspectiva y en movimiento, junto con signos y frecuencias, los cuales posiblemente generan energia en forma de luz y sonido. Tambien es visible parte de la columna vertebral del ser posiblemente indicando comunicacion.

2 These drawings represent constructions of intersecting coordinate lines. These flexible geometrical constructions together with signals and frequencies appear to have movement and generate energy, possibly in the form of light and sound Estos dibujos representan construcciones de lineas dimensionales en perspectiva y en movimiento, junto con signos y frecuencias, los cuales posiblemente generan energia en forma de luz y sonido.

3 These drawings represent constructions of intersecting coordinate lines. These flexible geometrical constructions together with signals and frequencies appear to have movement and generate energy, possibly in the form of light and sound. Visible, to the right, is an image of the beings spinal chord possibly indicative of communication. Estos dibujos representan construcciones de lineas dimensionales en perspectiva y en movimiento, junto con signos y frecuencias, las cuales posiblemente generan energia en forma de luz y sonido. Tambien es visible parte de la columna vertebral del ser, posiblemente indicando comunicacion.

4 This drawing describes the entrance of the spherical craft shown later on by the oil paintings Visions STLS IV & V Este dibujo describe lapuerta del vehiculo circular descrito en las pinturas "Visions STLS IV & V mas adelante.

5 This color drawing is a graphic descriptions of what resembles to be the structure of a vehicle or craft. It seems to contain an electromagnetic system that emits energy possibly in the form of light and sound. Este dibujo en color es una descripcion grafica de lo que parece ser la estructura de un vehiculo o nave. Parece contener un sistema electromagnetico que emite energia, posiblemente, en la forma de luz y sonido.

6 Dimensional Projections VI These color drawings are detailed images of sections of an electro-magnetic technology and a system that generates modulations of light and sound for the transmission of intelligence. Estos dibujos en color son imagenes detalladas de parte del sistema electro-magnetico que genera modulaciones de sonido y de luz, posiblemente, para la transmision de inteligencia.

7 This color drawing is a graphic description of what resembles to be the structure of a vehicle or craft (in color). It seems to contain an electromagnetic system that emits energy possibly in the form of light and sound (white lines and dots). Este dibujo es una descripcion grafica de lo que parece ser la estructura de un vehiculo o nave (en color). Parece contener un sistema electromagnetico que emite energia posiblemente en la forma de luz y sonido (lineas y puntos blancos).

8 Dimensional Projections VIII These color drawings are detailed images of sections of an electro- magnetic technology and a system that generates modulations of light and sound, possibly, for the transmission of intelligence. Estos dibujos en color son imagenes detalladas de parte del sistema electro- magnetico que genera modulaciones de sonido y de luz, posiblemente, para la transmision de inteligencia.

9 Dimensional Projections XXVII This oil describes what resembles to be the structure of a vehicle or craft (in color) and Its electromagnetic system emitting energy, possibly in the form of light and sound (white dots and lines) Esta pintura describe graficamente la estructura de unvehiculo o nave espacial (en color). Parece contener un sistema electromagnetico que emite energia, posiblemente, en la forma de luz y sonido (puntos y rayas blancas)

10 Dimensional Projections IX These color drawings are detailed images of sections of an electro- magnetic technology and a system that generates modulations of light and sound, possibly, for the transmission of intelligence. Estos dibujos en color son imagenes detalladas de parte del sistema electro- magnetico que genera modulaciones de sonido y de luz, posiblemente, para la transmision de inteligencia.

11 Dimensional Projections X These color drawings are detailed images of sections of an electro-magnetic technology and a system that generates modulations of light and sound, possibly, for the transmission of intelligence. Estos dibujos en color son imagenes detalladas de parte del sistema electro- magnetico que genera modulaciones de sonido y de luz, posiblemente, para la transmision de inteligencia.

12 Dimensional Projections XI Dimensional Projections VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, XVII & XVIII These color drawings are detailed images of sections of an electro- magnetic technology and a system that generates modulations of light and sound, possibly, for the transmission of intelligence. Estos dibujos en color son imagenes detalladas de parte del sistema electro-magnetico que genera modulaciones de sonido y de luz para la transmision de inteligencia.

13 Dimensional Projections XII This last color drawing describes how energy travels and is released through its electromagnetic system. Also, a planet is suggested in the background. To the right is an image of a "being's" silhouette together with orbs and signals. Este es el ultimo dibujo en color el cual describe como la energia se desplaza y es liberada por el sistema electromagnetico. Detras se ve un planeta y a la derecha, la "silueta de un ser junto con simbolos energeticos.

14 Dimensional Projections VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, XVII & XVIII These color drawings are detailed images of sections of an electro- magnetic technology and a system that generates modulations of light and sound, possibly, for the transmission of intelligence. Estos dibujos en color son imagenes detalladas de parte del sistema electro- magnetico que genera modulaciones de sonido y de luz, posiblemente, para la transmision de inteligencia.

15 Dimensional Projections XVIII Dimensional Projections VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, XVII & XVIII These color drawings are detailed images of sections of an electro- magnetic technology and a system that generates modulations of light and sound, possibly for the transmission of intelligence. Estos dibujos en color son imagenes detalladas de parte del sistema electro- magnetico que genera modulaciones de sonido y de luz, posiblemente, para la transmision de inteligencia.

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