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Plan de Transporte Regional (RTP)

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Presentación del tema: "Plan de Transporte Regional (RTP)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Plan de Transporte Regional (RTP)
Creando el Plan de Transporte Regional (RTP) The Houston-Galveston Area Council does the region’s long-range transportation planning.

2 Presentación de Hoy Desarrollando el Próximo RTP
Primeros Pasos de Desarrollo Presentación muestra del sitio: ¡Alíate a nosotros para correr la voz! The RTP is the region’s long-range “blueprint” for the transportation system. We are reviewing the current RTP and beginning to develop the next one. We want your input. New web-based outreach approach. Public meetings in the evenings not very effective. Go online to The materials you’ll see today are only a taste of what you’ll find on the website. You are interested in transportation. Visit the website, give us feedback, and then tell others about this. Help us spread the word.

3 ¿Qué es el RTP? “Plan de acción” para el sistema de transporte de 8 condados Metas y Medidas de Efectividad Análisis de Costo/Beneficio Plan Financiero Prioridades y Fases de Desarrollo RTP outlines the policies and funding priorities of our region’s transportation system. Need to update it periodically (3-4 years) to keep pace with changes in demographics, economy, and community preferences. Need your feedback on goals.

4 ¿Cuál es la situación actual?
RTP PROCESO DE DESARROLLO Fase 1: Evaluación Inicial Actualizar Datos Demográficos Revisar Visión y Metas Definir Desafíos y Espacios Vacios Comunicación Pública (Ene-Mar 2013) Fase 2: Análisis de Corredores Evaluar Escenarios Alternativos de Transporte Desarrollar Plan Financiero Desarrollar Prioridades y Estrategias Comunicación Pública (Inicios de 2014) Fase 3: Análisis Regional Finalizar Prioridades de Inversión Establecer Medidas y Estandares de Efectividad Determinar Impactos Regionales (Calidad del Aire, Medio Ambiente, Justicia Social) Comentarios Públicos Finales (Verano 2014) This round of outreach is the beginning of a two-year update process. We are seeking input on directions now. Early next year we will have another round of public outreach on the investments and priorities. 3 Phases to the Development process. Each phase includes a period where we show our work to the public to get your input. We are currently in the public outreach period for phase 1.

5 La región crecerá 3.3 Millones
En Millones How is our region changing? Currently we have about 6M. In 2040 we will have over 9M. The population will have more older people. Young people will shrink from 30% to 25% of population while 60+ grows from 14% to 22% Will live and move around the region differently? How does our transportation system need to change to meet those needs? Fuente: HGAC Modelo Demográfico

6 Cambios Económicos A nivel estatal
Tasa de Crecimiento Flotilla de Vehículos Ligeros PIB Real del Estado Numero de Hogares Millas Viajadas Vehiculares Impuestos de Gasolina Let’s look at some different economic indicators. The base year is 2009 where all are equal to 100. By 2040: State economy doubles and there are twice as many cars in Texas Households grow by nearly 80% Yet Vehicle Miles Traveled grows only by 55%: state is becoming more urbanized and trips are getting shorter. But the Motor fuel taxes, the main source of money for building and maintaining our transportation system, is only growing by about 30%. If we don’t have the stomach for higher gas taxes, how do we make do with less, given the expected growth? Fuente: HGAC Modelo Financiero

7 ¿Cómo esta el Sistema Hoy?
Carreteras 10,363 Millas Carril de Carretera 19,900 Millas Carril de Calles Transporte Público 4,397 Millas de Ruta Fija 204 Millas Carril HOV Senderos para Bicicletas 500 Millas reservadas en calles 434 Millas fuera de calles We have over 10,000 miles of highways and nearly 20,000 miles of major arterial streets. Building that system has cost a lot, but maintaining it and replacing it every years costs even more. For transit, we have nearly 4,400 miles of scheduled, fixed bus route service, and over 200 miles HOV lanes that car and vanpools can use as well. For cyclists, the region has roughly 500 designated on-street miles and over 400 trails and bikeways.

8 Prioridades de Capital del RTP 2035
Carreteras SH 99 Grand Pkwy $6.7B Corredor US 290 $3.7B IH 45 S $1.5B SH 288 $1.4B US 59 S $1.2B BW 8 $1.1B IH 610 $1.0B SH 146 $0.7B Total carreteras $25.6B Transporte Público Reemplazo Buses $2.8B Corredor Norte $1.6B Corredor Sureste $1.1B Corredor Noroeste Corredor University $1.0B Southwest Commuter $0.7B Corredor East End Corredor Uptown $0.6B $11.9B Peatonal/Bici Ciudad Houston $29.9M Greenspoint $29.8M Galveston & Harris Counties $22.0M Ciudad La Porte $14.9M Dist. Westchase $14.8M Ciudad Conroe $12.4M Sims Bayou Trail $11.6M Total Peatonal/Bici $0.3B Here are the largest investments we are making. For Roadways, it’s the Grand Parkway (SH 99) and US 290 For Transit, it’s the new rail lines and bus replacement Ped/Bike numbers are shown in $Millions, but all totals are shown in $Billions

9 Prioridades en esta Zona
These investments are planned for this part of the region Lista completa en Project Viewer:

10 Declaración de Visión En el año 2040, la región tendrá un sistema multimodal de transporte seguro, a través de inversiones coordinadas que permitan una calidad de vida deseable, más vitalidad económica y un alto nivel de seguridad, accesibilidad y movilidad. You can jot down any thoughts on the comment card. But visit the website and give your comments there.

11 Meta: Movilidad Asegurar que el movimiento de personas y bienes sea seguro y confiable. Maximizar la movilidad y acceso a trabajos, bienes, servicios y mercados globales Proveer opciones de transporte significativas y equitativas There are 9 goals grouped into 4 categories: Mobility, Stewardship, Prosperity and Implementation. As you read each goal, consider if it hits the mark, if something is left out, and what might be a good measure to test our progress on that goal

12 Meta: Administración Mantener el sistema de transporte en buen estado de reparación Administrar los activos del sistema de transporte eficiente y efectivamente The Stewardship goals address how well we maintain the system

13 Meta: Prosperidad Apoyar al desarrollo económico y competitividad de la región Mejorar la salud comunitaria y la calidad de vida mejorando la calidad del aire y las condiciones del medio ambiente, así como conservando los recursos naturales The transportation system is not just to move us, but to lead better lives. The Prosperity goals address the desired effects we want.

14 Meta: Implementación Completar las obras de inversión rápida y eficientemente, incorporando los costos del ciclo de vida Promover la coordinación regional, la cooperación y la toma de decisiones Implementation is about how we go about making decisions on the transportation system

15 ¡Necesitamos su opinion!
¡Actúe ahora! Visite Responda el cuestionario Comente este plan con sus amigos ¿Siguiente paso? Analizar respuestas Iniciar Fase II Comunicación Pública al inicio 2014 Hopefully your interest is piqued to visit the website. On the website you can learn more, take an online survey and leave comments on any information as well as the vision and goals, and what measures you might think would be good to test for progress on each goal. After you do that, help us spread the word. Tell your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. We want to get as many people to give us feedback as possible. This spring, we’ll have the results of your comments (check back at the website periodically for updates through out this 2-year process), and early next year we’ll come back to you with the next portion of work for your review and comment. Leave your address on the comment card and we will send out an letting you know when its ready.

16 Contactos: Para Información Sobre el RTP: Roland Strobel
Jefe de Planeación de Transporte (713) Para una Presentación: Rosalind Hebert Planeadora de Información Pública (713) If you have questions on the contents you’ve seen please contact Roland Strobel If you know of a group who might like to have this presentation made to them, please contact Rosalind Hebert. Thanks for your time. Please remember to go to to learn about and give your feedback on the 2040 RTP

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