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CHRISTMAS IN SPAIN Christmas celebrations start on 24th December and continue until 6th January, with the arrival of the “Three Wise Men”. Common traditions.

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1 CHRISTMAS IN SPAIN Christmas celebrations start on 24th December and continue until 6th January, with the arrival of the “Three Wise Men”. Common traditions include elaborate nativity scenes, Christmas trees, and remarkable Christmas markets scattered among villages and cities with piles of fruits, flowers, marzipan and other sweets, candles decorations and hand- made Christmas gifts.

2 CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Eve is called Nochebuena in Spanish and it is the most important family gathering of the year. In the evening people often meet early for a few drinks with friends. Then, they return home to enjoy a meal with the family. Prawns starters followed by roast lamb would be a typical meal rounded off with a typical Christmas sweet called turrón which is a nougat made of toasted sweet almonds.

3 Another typical festive sweet is called “Polvorones” which is made from almonds, flour and sugar. Galician cider would be the chosen drink though plenty fine Spanish wines will also be consumed with the meal.

4 After the meal, family members sing Christmas Carols and hymns of Christendom. The following song is one of the most famous Christmas Carol or Villancicos in Spain: La Virgen se está peinando Entre cortina y cortina Los cabellos son de oro Y el peine de plata fina Pero mira como beben los peces en el río Pero mira como beben por ver a Dios "nacío" Beben y beben y vuelven a beber, Los peces en el río por ver a Dios nacer. La Virgen se está peinando Entre cortina y cortina Los cabellos son de oro Y el peine de plata fina Pero mira como beben los peces en el río Pero mira como beben por ver a Dios "nacío" Beben y beben y vuelven a beber, Los peces en el río por ver a Dios nacer. La Virgen está lavando Y tendiendo en el romero, Los angelitos cantando, Y el romero floreciendo. La Virgen está lavando Y tendiendo en el romero, Los angelitos cantando, Y el romero floreciendo. Pero mira como beben los peces en el río Pero mira como beben por ver a Dios "nacío" Beben y beben y vuelven a beber, Los peces en el río por ver a Dios nacer…. Pero mira como beben los peces en el río Pero mira como beben por ver a Dios "nacío" Beben y beben y vuelven a beber, Los peces en el río por ver a Dios nacer….

5 The typical instruments to play Christmas Carols are tambourine, bells and a traditional drum-like instrument called “zambomba”. In Spain it’s typical to go from house to house singing Christmas Carols for money. This is called ask for “aguinaldo”.

6 After eating the Christmas meal, most people go to Midnight Mass or “La Misa del Gallo” (The Mass of the Rooster). Its called this because a rooster is supposed to have crowed the night that Jesus was born.

7 CHRISTMAS DAY On 25th December, children may receive a small gift this morning but they day for presents is 6th January. Christmas Day is a national holiday in Spain, so shops are closed yet it is not a day of great celebration but rather a calm day when people go out for a walk, drop into a bar, etc. It’s common to have a large family meal at lunchtime.

8 INNOCENT SAINTS’ DAY December 28th is the Day of the Innocent Saints and is very like April Fools’ Day in the UK and USA. People try to trick each other into believing silly stories and jokes. Often the national media will include a nonsense story in their broadcasts. If you trick someone, you can call them “Innocent, innocent ”.

9 NEW YEAR’S EVE It’s known as Nochevieja. It’s a big celebration all over the country with parties and special nights in hotels and clubs everywhere. Until midnight, people tend to stay at home and on the stroke of midnight, it’s traditional to eat 12 grapes, one on each stroke of the clock to bring good luck for the new year. In Madrid and other main cities, people congregate in the main square (Puerta del Sol in Madrid), eat the grapes and drink a toast to the New Year.

10 THREE WISE MEN’S PARADE On 5th January, there are processions all over Spain. Sweets are thrown from the floats to all the people who come out to watch. Every town has its own variation.

11 THREE WISE MEN’S DAY This is the Feast of the Epiphany, when the Three Kings arrived in Bethlehem. For Spanish children, this is the most important day of the year; they wake up to find that the Three Kings or Wise Men (Los Reyes Magos) have left gifts for them in their house. During the day of 6th the Three Kings continue their good work and are seen distributing gifts to children in hospitals all over Spain.

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