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Do you “Really” Believe in Magic? An Introduction to Magical Realism.

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Presentación del tema: "Do you “Really” Believe in Magic? An Introduction to Magical Realism."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Do you “Really” Believe in Magic? An Introduction to Magical Realism

2 Elements of Magical Realism Transformation of the common and the everyday into the awesome and the unreal. Lo fantástico y lo cotidiano La crítica a la sociedad contemporánea Elements of dreams, fairy story, or mythology combine with the everyday. The frame or surface of the work may be conventionally realistic but contains elements of mystique. Have a strong narrative drive (think: el señor con viejo con alas enormes)

3 Elements of Magical Realism The frame or surface of the work may be conventionally realistic. Example: Townspeople, village, flood, chicken coop.

4 Elements of Magical Realism Have a strong narrative drive. Example: Wings are not the most important difference between a hawk and an airplane. They are even less important in recognizing an angel.

5 Magical Realism, Authors Gabriel Garcia Márquez – Colombia, 1928 - 2014 ●Love in the time of cholera ●One hundred years of solitude ●Chronicle of a death foretold ●La siesta de martes ●El ahogado más hermoso del mundo

6 Gabriel Garcia Marquez He lived in Aracataca, Colombia, a banana town by the Caribbean. His grandparents were his most important relatives, and influenced him and his writing later on. His grandfather was a general, a hero and a great story teller. His grandmother was very superstitious. She filled the house with stories of ghosts and premonitions.

7 Elements of Magical Realism Transformation of the common and the everyday into the awesome and the unreal. Examples: An angel is found in a mud puddle of the courtyard. The angel’s wings have parasites. Elements of dreams, fairy story, or mythology combine with the everyday. Examples: Some townspeople thought the angel should be named mayor of the world or at least a 5- star general. A man couldn’t sleep because the noise of the stars disturbed him.

8 Jorge Luis Borges – Argentina, 1899-1986 eparisreview.or g/interviews/43 31/the-art-of- fiction-no-39- jorge-luis- borges eparisreview.or g/interviews/43 31/the-art-of- fiction-no-39- jorge-luis- borges La Noche boca arriba

9 Guenter Grass – Germany, 1927- 2015 http://www.nyt 15/04/14/wo rld/europe/gu nter-grass- german- novelist-dies- at- 87.html?_r=0 critiqued Germany’s history

10 Chocolat - 2000s

11 Inception - (2010)

12 What other movies do you think are Magical Realism?

13 Hollywood’s list of other magical realism movies The truman show The time traveler’s wife Big Fish Moulin Rouge Pleasantville August Rush

14 Magical Realism Art



17 “El Boom”

18 ¿Que es el Boom?

19 La explosión de la literatura latinoamericana ● Horacio Quiroga - la narrativa breve ● Jorge Luis Borges - el argentino universal, lleva a los lectores a disquisiciones intelectuales insospechadas ● Juan Rulfo en México ● Alejo Carpentier en Cuba ● Julio Cortázar en Argentina ● Carlos Fuentes en México ● Mario Vargas Llosa en Perú ● Gabriel Garcia Márquez en Colombia ● Tomas Rivera, chicano nacido en Texas ● Isabel Allende de Chile ● Y MAS! La lista esta en los libros 271 - 272

20 ¿ Que se define El Boom?

21 Crean sus propios mundos ● innovadores (nunca como antes) ● intensamente locales y universales ● fantásticos y reales ● líricos y dramáticos ● modos sorprendentes de ver la realidad y de presentarla ● se emplean el realismo mágico ● la oposición y crítica a la sociedad contemporánea ● reciben la palabra “renowned”

22 The Latin American Boom was a flourishing of literature, poetry and criticism in Latin America during the 20th century (1900s), when writers from this region explored new ideas and came to international renown in a way that had not happened previously. Major figures of the boom include Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez, Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa.Latin AmericaJulio CortázarGabriel García Márquez Carlos FuentesMario Vargas Llosa

23 What the Siglo de Oro was for Spain, the Boom was for latin america.

24 Contexto Historico ● Cuban Revolution ● Expansion of Cities ● Growth of the middle class ● Sociopolitical situation of latinamerica ● publication and dissemination of latinamerican literature in Europe

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