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Chemical Risk Assesment in Chile An Overwiew Bq Jaminton Ramírez Ramírez Technical meeting to strentgthen the risk assesment in LAC 9-10 dec,Brasilia,

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Presentación del tema: "Chemical Risk Assesment in Chile An Overwiew Bq Jaminton Ramírez Ramírez Technical meeting to strentgthen the risk assesment in LAC 9-10 dec,Brasilia,"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Chemical Risk Assesment in Chile An Overwiew Bq Jaminton Ramírez Ramírez Technical meeting to strentgthen the risk assesment in LAC 9-10 dec,Brasilia, Brasil

2 I. Food Safety in Chile

3 Chilean Food Safety System

4 Monitoring and control ISP SEREMI Network Food and control consumption Division of public and healthy policies Residues in food (Mycotoxins,Metals,etc.) Microbiological and chemical quality of food Marine Toxins Foodborn diseases Food labeling Flour fortification Department of food, zoonoses and vectors Food sanitary regulation (RSA) National programs for control and hygiene in food

5 15 regions CHILE -ISP is the Reference Laboratory for this network. -With basic capacity to measure compliance of FSR*. -Responsible for sampling. -Most of the analysis is in finished product (consumer’s sale phase). -In general check that the food analized contains only -substance allowed by FSR and in an amount suitable for consumption. -Participates in ministry programs. SEREMIs (25)

6 We supports and monitoring domestic food through the develop different analytical and management activities like: - Develop scientific capabilities for the network. - Surveillance program and activities. - Development of analytical methods. - Chilean Network of Public Health Laboratories General Support. - Training and coordination activities. The ISP is the National Reference Laboratory for Chilean Network of Public Health Laboratories for food analysis and analytical reference tasks related with the matter.

7 Analytical Capacity of ISP - ICP/MS - HPLC- ICP/MS - HPLC/UPLC - LC MS/MS - GC-MS - GC-NPD/FID - FAAS/GHAAS/GFAAS IV) Some Mycotoxin’s Data in Chile

8 Some Identified common problems for food safety in Chile (programs) -Listeria in procesed food -E coli O157:H7 in beef -Campylobacter in chicken -S. Aureus fresh cheese -Vibrio parahaemolyticus in bivalves -Hg in fish -Cd and As in marine food -As in water -Plaguicides in fruits and vegetables * -Aflatoxins in dry fruits -Marine toxins in marine food* -Dioxins in meat -Sugars, Sodium, trans fatty acids in procesed food Microbiologicals Chemicals

9 II. Risk assesment in Chile

10 Risk Assessment Hazard Identification Hazard Characterization Exposition Quantification Risk Characterization Risk Management Risk Communication Alternative Policies Control’s actions Opinion Interchange ISPMINSALSEREMI MINSALSEREMI MINSAL -SEREMI - ACHIPIA

11 An Overview… -The ISP and SEREMI networking only develop analytical task for hazard identification and characterization (Not EQ and RC). -At present, final decisions not considerer scientific tools (only analytical laboratory results are considered, weak association with academia). -ACHIPIA is developing some National Integrated Programs (pesticides, marine toxins, veterinary drugs) for coordination of scientific stakeholders (public and academia). Also has created a scientifics panels in differents areas. -Weak cooperation between Academia,private sector and public sector.

12 III. Strengths,Gaps and weakness

13 StrengthsGapsWeakness Exists analytical capabilities Improve the scientific capabilities for RE Insufficient human resources For develop RE Network of laboratories with a central Laboratory reference Insufficient human resources with competences in RE (RA/RM/RC) Insufficient coordination of the network in terms of priority of work. An central coordinator for food safety (ACHIPIA) Coordinator has the same level of hierarchy of his partners Very few total diets studies


15 Evaluación de riesgos IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL PELIGRO Cepas/analitos que generan riesgos específicos CARACTERIZACIÓN DEL PELIGRO Evaluación de los efectos nocivos. Estudio Dosis-Respuesta EVALUACIÓN DE LA EXPOSICIÓN Cantidad de alimento consumido. Concentración del analito CARACTERIZACIÓN DEL RIESGO Estimación de la probabilidad y severidad de los efectos potenciales

16 Vigilancia Microorganismos Patógenos Resultados ISP año 2012 Total subunidades muestras Tipo alimentoResultados positivos Campylobacter spp. 360 Platos preparados (260) / pollo (100) 0/7 pollo Escherichia coli O157:H7 180 Carnes vacuno, cecinas 0 Salmonella spp274 Huevos, carnes crudas 1 cerdo Listeria monocytogenes 335 Platos preparados, quesos, cecinas 36 (24/2/10) Total1139-


18 Hg en pescados

19 Cd en pescados y mariscos

20 Se analizan muestras de pollo, bovino, cerdo, salmón, huevo y leche. Se monitorean 45 analitos. Metodologías acreditadas LC-MS/MS

21 Fuente: Laboratorio Residuos de Plaguicidas, ISP

22 Monitoreo de micotoxinas 2008-2011 Se analizan muestras de frutos secos, jugos de frutas, especias y cereales (trigo, arroz, maíz y productos derivados) N =77 N =82 N =72 N =40 1 jugo de manzana = PAT 175 ppb/1 salvado de trigo= OTA 8 ppb 1 maní tipo japonés = AFTOT = 33 ppb 6 nuez moscada polvo /3 pimentón polvo = AFTOT: 9 a 35 ppb 1 nuez moscada/1 curry = AFTOT = 23 a 173 ppb

23 Institución o SEREMI Toxina paralizante Toxina amnésica Toxina Diarreica ISP224256182 Coquimbo424039 Los Lagos21437612645 Aysén54757052169 Magallanes3424576735 Total análisis 3060221893770 Durante el 2012 sólo se notificaron 2 intoxicados por toxina diarreica en la Región de Aysén Vigilancia toxinas marinas 2012 Número de casos notificados de intoxicación por VPM, Chile 2000-2011

24 Vigilancia toxinas marinas 2012 Institución SEREMI Valor máximo encontrado ugSTXeq/Kg ISP0 Coquimbo0 Los Lagos138 Aysén866 Magallanes6981 Porcentaje de análisis respecto de sus resultados para VPM Chile, 2012

25 Vigilancia toxinas marinas 2012 Porcentaje de análisis respecto de sus resultados para VAM Chile, 2012 0,1 Institución SEREMI Valor máximo encontrado ug AD/g ISP4,0 Coquimbo6,7 Los Lagos2,4 Aysén31,4 Magallanes0 Porcentaje de análisis respecto de sus resultados para VDM Chile, 2012

26 OVG/ISP Detoxificación VPM en choritos: 5 meses desde aprox 20.000 ug /100g Detoxificación VPM en choritos: 1 mes desde aprox 1.000 ug /100g

27 Detoxificación VAM en choritos 12 días aprox. desde 260 ug/g

28 Subdepartamento Alimentos y Nutrición (2013)

29 Gracias

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