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22 ABRIL 2016 BEIJING + 20 Objectius i reptes 20 anys després de la IV Conferència Mundial sobre la Dona.

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Presentación del tema: "22 ABRIL 2016 BEIJING + 20 Objectius i reptes 20 anys després de la IV Conferència Mundial sobre la Dona."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 22 ABRIL 2016 BEIJING + 20 Objectius i reptes 20 anys després de la IV Conferència Mundial sobre la Dona

2 Who are we? An international exchange and cooperation space for women who hold political positions in METROPOLIS member cities, as well as for other female leaders operating in the local and metropolitan environment.

3 Mission Promote the creation of equal and safe cities for women and girls, guaranteeing them a life free of violence, advocating their rights to education, safety and health in urban settings as well as fostering their empowerment. Definitely, the Metropolis Women International Network mission is to ensure that our cities are more egalitarian, safe and inclusive

4 Goals 1.Facilitate the dissemination of experiences and good practices related to the promotion of gender equality. 2.Promote the participation of women in local decision-making and governance. 3.Integrate the gender dimension into debates and activities led by METROPOLIS. 4.Ensure the gender perspective is heard in international debates

5 MIDDLE EAST Amman Mashhad AFRICA Bamako Bangui Dakar Antananarivo Abidjan NORTH AMERICA Mexico D.F SOUTH AMERICA Buenos Aires Santiago de Chile Bogotá Caracas Quito ASIA-PACIFIC Pune Seoul EUROPE Région de Bruxelles- Capitale Barcelona Athens MIDDLE EAST Amman Mashhad Representation

6 Actions  Organizes forums in collaboration with METROPOLIS member cities, regional sections and international organizations (UN- Women,UN-Habitat,Huairou Commission)  Works together with METROPOLIS making the gender issue an integral part of every METROPOLIS policy priority. (Metropolis Action Plan-Gender mainstreaming; Members of the Metropolis Board of Directors 6/36 !)

7 Main last events Barcelona 2013 Safe Cities within the Sphere of Public Space & Gender “Women and Armed Conflict” 24-27 september 2013 Enslaved women and girls live in your city. Let’s find a solution together!

8 The infringement of rights through sexual exploitation is discussed in METROPOLS Women symposium

9 Future challenges Institutional capacity building - Attract more active women in the cities in their regions, and raise the number of cities in the METROPOLIS Women International Network - Promote the development of the regional sections - Organize training activities in collaboration with the METROPOLIS International Training Institute and other international organizations Defining an agenda to move towards gender equality in collaboration with international organizations dedicated to similar or complementary issues is essential for optimizing resources and making a bigger impact on matters related to women in cities.

10 Agenda: thematic areas URBAN GOVERNANCE : gender budget, political representation, participation in urban planning ACCESS TO BASIC SERVICES AND SOCIAL INCLUSION : health, education, violence and crime, informal settlements INNOVATION : smart cities, urban design ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT : employment, informal employment, urban resilience, mobility and transport, environment (cooperatives…)

11 Conclusions Gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls and enjoyment of their human rights and the eradication of poverty are essential to economic and social development Women play an essential role to achieve wellbeing and quality of life in our cities Promote gender mainstreaming in our cities is essential and not possible without men’s engagement

12 Promote gender mainstreaming in our cities is possible wherever you are:


14 F. J. Erskine va ser una autora victoriana de la que es coneix només aquesta única obra Damas en bicicleta. Aquest manual va ser escrit, en paraules de l’autora “per a dones ciclistes per una dona ciclista” i publicat el 1897, un moment en el que les dones de tot l’imperi britànic es van animar a l’aventura amb les bicicletes, la qual cosa no va ser ben rebuda per la societat masclista de l’època.


16 Las damas inglesas de la época victoriana (siglo XIX) vestían pesados trajes y molestos corsés que. La clasista sociedad en la que vivían no les concedía ningún derecho, aunque un artefacto favoreció su emancipación y su libertad de movimiento: la bicicleta. En este contexto, una ciclista llamada F.J. Erskine escribió un manual de buenas prácticas, publicado en 1897 'Damas en bicicleta' “Lady Cycling” supone una radiografía certera de una época en la que cualquier avance tecnológico se observaba con suspicacia y constituía una amenaza contra las estrictas convenciones sociales, que limitaban la función de la mujer al ámbito doméstico. La bicicleta fue llamada "la máquina de la libertad", porque permitió más movilidad a las mujeres y podían visitar otros barrios "y abrir algo más su acotado horizonte". Era utilizada sobre todo, por mujeres avanzadas a su época, "auténticas vanguardistas" pertenecientes a una clase media incipiente que comenzaban a hacer su incursión en el mundo laboral. Supuso para las inglesas una "revolución" que ayudó incluso al replanteamiento de cuestiones que negaban la posibilidad de que la mujer fuera capaz de hacer ejercicio físico.

17 “Hem de seguir PEDALANT i mai, mai, no treure’ns les ULLERES LILES” “When we empower women, we empower humanity” 59CSW

18 GRÀCIES! Montserrat Pallarès Parellada Coordinadora de la “Xarxa Internacional Dones de Metropolis 2011-2016 Coordinadora de la “Red Ciudades por la Bicicleta” @CidegMP

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