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OTRAS EXPRESIONES ADVERBIALES CHAD ATE. El subjuntivo o el indicativo después de otras expresiones adverbiales  Certain adverbial clauses could call.

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Presentación del tema: "OTRAS EXPRESIONES ADVERBIALES CHAD ATE. El subjuntivo o el indicativo después de otras expresiones adverbiales  Certain adverbial clauses could call."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 El subjuntivo o el indicativo después de otras expresiones adverbiales  Certain adverbial clauses could call for either the indicative OR the subjunctive  Time frame of the speaker’s opinion usually dictates whether the subjunctive or the indicative is used

3 CHAD ATE Cuando -when Hasta que -until Aunque-although Después de -after Así - as soon as Tan pronto como-as soon as En cuanto-as soon as

4 Más ejemplos con el subjuntivo Así que yo llegue a casa, puedo hacer mi tarea.  As soon as I arrive home, I can do my homework.*(not a habit) Mi madre me dijo que me llamaría tan pronto como llegara.  My mother told me that she would call me as soon as she arrived. En cuanto veas tu equipaje, cógelo.  As soon as you see your luggage, grab it.

5 Ejemplos con el subjuntivo Cuando llegue Santa Claus mañana, me traerá regalos.  When Santa Claus arrives tomorrow, he will bring me presents. Voy a esperar aquí hasta que vengan José Carreras y Plácido Domingo.  I am going to wait here until José and Plácido come. Aunque llueva mañana, vamos a jugar al tenis.  Even though it may rain tomorrow, we are going to play tennis. Después de que Ricky Martin cante, voy a tratar de hablar on él.  After Ricky Martin sings, I am going to try to speak with him.

6 In all of the examples the subjuntive is used. The subjunctive is the mood of uncertainty, unreality, haziness Actions that follow the adverbial clauses have not happened yet Actions that at the moment are not verifiable

7 Let’s analyze: Cuando llegue Santa Claus mañana, me traerá regalos.  Santa is arriving tomorrow.  Arrival is not verifiable yet  Can’t take a picture of him because he hasn’t shown up yet  Subjunctive after “cuando” to express that his arrival hasn’t happened yet  It’s not reality

8 Otro ejemplo Aunque llueva mañana, vamos a jugar al tenis.  Speaker expresses idea that it might rain tomorrow  It’s not certain that the rain will come tomorrow  Subjunctive allows speaker to express this unceratinty  *aunque is different from other adverbial expressions. It can also reflect a person’s opinion.  Ex. Aunque María es atlética, no juega baloncesto. = Even though Mary is athletic, she doesn’t play basketball.  Aunque María sea atlética, no juega baloncesto. = Even though Mary may be athletic, she doesn’t play basketball.

9 Otro ejemplo Mi madre me dijo que me llamaría tan pronto como llegara.  Can also use the Past Subjunctive  Speaker’s mother said she would call as soon as she arrived  Had she arrived yet? No.  (couldn’t take a photo because she had not arrived yet)  Arrived calls for past subjunctive

10 What if the action had already happened? Cuando llegó Santa Claus el año pasado, me trajo regalos. Esperé aquí hasta que vinieron mis amigos. Jugamos al tenis ayer aunque llovía. Después de que Ricky Martin cantó, traté de hablar con él. En cuanto viste tu equipaje, lo cogiste. Mi madre me dijo que me había llamado tan pronto como llegó.  Use the indicative. Why? All actions took place. You could have taken photos.

11 En cuanto viste tu equipaje, lo cogiste. In this example, you saw the luggage and then grabbed it. It happened. You could have taken a picture.

12 Esperé aquí hasta que vinieron mis amigos. In this example, I waited until my friends came. They definitely came. The action occurred. It could have been documented I could have taken a selfie with everyone.

13 Are there more scenarios? Habitual actions. Cuando llega Santa Claus, siempre me trae regalos.  When Santa arrives, he always brings me presents. Espero aquí hasta que vienen mis amigos.  I (normally) wait here until my friends come. Jugamos al tenis el la primavera aunque llueve.  We play tennis the spring even though it rains. Después de que Ricky Martin canta, normalmente trato de hablar con él.  After Ricky Martin sings, I usually try to talk with him.

14 Habitual actions En cuanto ves tu equipaje, siempre lo coges.  As soon as you see your luggage, you always grab it. Mi madre me dijo que me llamaba tan pronto como llegaba.  My mom told me that she used to call me as soon as she arrived.  These sentences describe events that happen over and over.  Reality is being described  Santa does arrive…he always brings me presents. I always try to speak with Ricky Martin when he sings. As soon as you see your luggage, you always grab it.

15 CHAD ATE adverbs 1. When describing future actions (even in the past!)  use SUBJUNCTIVE  Cuando llegue Santa Claus mañana, me traerá regalos.  José me dijo que me llamaría cuando llegara Santa Claus. 2. When describing past, completed actions  Use indicative  Cuando llegó Santa Claus, me trajo regalos. 3. When describing habitual occurrences  Use indicative  Cuando llega Santa, siempre me trae regalos.

16 Fórmula C. I. Verbo Presente (hábito) Pretérito (pasado) Pluscuamperfecto Imperfecto Futuro, Mandato, Presente (no es hábito) Condicional Condicional perfecto C. D. verbo Presente Pretérito Imperfecto Presente de subj “ … “ Imp. del subj. O pluscuampefecto de subj (haber + participle)

17 Past perfect = el pluscuamperfecto a.k.a. the pluperfect – combination of Past participle and the imperfect of the verb HABER Describes what someone “had” done before something else happened. ****Tener is NOT used to convey the meaning of “to have.” Formula = imperfect haber + past participle  Había vistoHabíamos vuelto  Habías cantadoHabíais hablado  Había leídoHabían puesto

18 Preterito perfecto de subjuntivo (present perfect subjunctive) Esperan que lo …  Haya vistohayamos visto  Hayas vistohayáis visto  Haya vistohayn visto  They hope I saw him.…we saw him  ………………you saw him.…you saw him.  ……………..he/she/you saw him. …they/you saw him.  Used to indicate that the action of the dependent clause happens before the action in the main clause.

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