Proclaim His Grace Bruce Ashton Saving grace, sweet favor from the Lord above; winning grace that draws us to His heart of love. Wondrous grace that He.


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Transcripción de la presentación:

Proclaim His Grace Bruce Ashton Saving grace, sweet favor from the Lord above; winning grace that draws us to His heart of love. Wondrous grace that He should care for you and me; Boundless grace so deep, so full, so rich and free.

Proclaim His Grace Redeeming grace, His pardon frees us from our sin; Transforming grace, His spirit makes us new within; Triumphant grace He comes! and we shall see His face and ever more proclaim God´s matchless grace!

Tu Gracia Cantaré Bruce Ashton Tr. Juan Salazar Gracia que me salva y viene del Señor; Gracia que en su amor me hace vencedor; Gracia tan sublime, protección total; Gracia tan profunda, amplia y eternal.

Tu Gracia Cantaré Bruce Ashton Tr. Juan Salazar Tu gracia me perdona y libra de caer; Tu gracia me transforma y hace renacer; Por gracia, oh Dios, triunfante un día te veré; por siempre de tu gracia cantaré.