A. No puedo respirar. Me duele la garganta porque toso mucho. b. Necesito una inyección (shot). Voy a tomar medicina especial, antibióticos. c. Mi temperatura.


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LOS VERBOS REFLEXIVOS Me. . .te. . .se. . .nos. . .os. . .se.
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Verbs with a Reflexive Pronoun
REFLEXIVE VERBS Ch 2-1. Reflexive verbs are used to talk about an action that the same person is BOTH doing AND receiving. It is like looking in the mirror.
Reflexive verbs Los verbos reflexivos Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexive Let’s start.
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Hoy es martes. Es el 4 de diciembre del 2012 ¿Qué haces para alistarte? AHORA identifique en inglés: 1.el jabon 2.la toalla 3.la ropa 4.el agua caliente.
#2A REFLEXIVE VERBS – a verb in which the person does the action for/to himself. These verbs use “se” at the end of the infinitive. Ex: lavarse los dientes.
VERBOS REFLEXIVOS Retrieved from: elmundodebirch.wikispaces.com.
REFLEXIVE VERBS Ch Reflexive verbs are used to talk about an action that the same person is BOTH doing AND receiving. -It is like looking in the.
Más reflexivos.  The reflexive pronoun goes immediately before the conjugated verb or after and attached to the infinitive, present progressive, or affirmative.
miércoles el diecisiete de octubre
Los Verbos Reflexivos Conjugación y dónde poner los pronombres
Los Reflexivos Reflexives. Repaso You use a reflexive verb when you talk about doing something to yourself. You use a reflexive verb when you talk about.
Unidad 2, Lección 2 Los verbos reflexivos. What’s the difference? Ana mira el reloj. Ana se mira. Ana is looking at the clock. Ana is looking at herself.
5-1 2 nd Reflexive verb game/practice. In small groups # off each person Everybody answers question Teacher rolls dado If person with that number has.
Reflexive Verbs = actions one does to/for oneself In English, pronouns that indicated that the subject of the sentence does something to/for himself or.
Los Verbos Reflexivos In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives.
Los Verbos Reflexivos en español… Los Verbos Reflexivos In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives.
 I shave  Me afeito  I need to shave  Necesito afeitarme.
Reflexive verbs  In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives.  Let’s start out by thinking of the English.
Mi Rutina Diaria con verbos reflexivos Señora Clifford.
El cuerpo y la rutina diaria. La cabeza La cara.
Do Now Directions: Copy the following sentences and conjugate the given verbs in the PRESENT TENSE. Use the charts above to help. 1. Yo (bailar) con mis.
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-Daily Routine Vocab -Reflexive Verbs in Present and Preterite -Present Progessive Tense.
REFLEXIVE practice with infinitives.. To have to ought to/should going to one must I have to shower. Tengo que ducharme. I ought to wake up. Debo despertarme.
Los Verbos Reflexivos en español… Los Verbos Reflexivos A person does as well as receives the action… The action is “reflected” back On the person doing.
What do you do for yourself?. What do these mean? Acostarse (ue) Afeitarse Dormirse (ue) Lavarse Peinarse Arreglarse Cepillarse los dientes Ducharse Levantarse.
Los Verbos Reflexivos en español….
levantarse – to get up cepillarse los dientes – to brush teeth cepillarse el pelo – to brush hair ducharse – to shower bañarse – to bathe quitarse la.
REFLEXIVE VERBS In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let’s start out by thinking of the English verb.
Reflexive Verbs Vamos a ver!!!.
CALENTAMIENTO HOY ES EL 27 DE MARZO Read the staments and figure out the riddle. 1. Algo que usas después de bañarse____ 2. Algo que haces antes de correr_______.
Reflexive verbs “REFLECT” the action on the speaker. A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same. I wash myself. subject: I verb:
Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs are used to tell that a person does something to or for him- or herself.
Unidad 2, Lección 2 Los verbos reflexivos. What’s the difference? Ana mira el reloj. Ana se mira. Ana is looking at the clock. Ana is looking at herself.
Los verbos reflexivos the action is something you do to yourself.
10 preguntas. My dad shaves in the morning. Mi padre se afeita por las mañanas. 1.
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.
Reflexive Verbs GRAMÁTICA. What is a reflexive verb? 1) A verb where the person does as well as receives the action. 2) Verb that ends in -se Examples:
To say that people do something to or for themselves, we use reflexive verbs. For example, washing your hands or brushing your teeth are reflexive actions.
REFLEXIVE VERBS IN SPANISH Pregunta esencial: How do I use relfexive verbs with their pronouns to talk about what people do for themselves.
Los Reflexivos All these verbs are done to ‘oneself’
Verbs with a Reflexive Pronoun PARTE 1
Verbos Reflexivos Preterite.
Vámonos Conjuga los verbos reflexivos. Escribe las frases. 1) Yo __ ______ Juan. (llamarse) 2) Tú __ ______ en público. (callarse) 3) Nina y José __ ______.
Reflexive verbs. A reflexive verb is when the subject in a sentence is the same as the object. Ex. I wash myself. I- subject Wash- verb Myself- object.
Español 2 Avancemos 8.1 Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs are used to tell that a person does an action to himself or herself.
LOS VERBOS REFLEXIVOS. WRITE: What is a reflexive verb? A reflexive verb describes when a person doing an action is also receiving the action.
REFLEXIVE VERBS TALKING ABOUT DAILY ROUTINE. You know a verb is reflexive if… It ends in – “SE” Ej: lavarse, despertarse, secarse, cepillarse etc The.
Unit 2 Spanish de agosto Translate each sentence to English: 1.Yo hago la tarea en mi cuarto. 2.Mi mamá limpia la cocina todos los días. 3.Mi amigo.
Los Verbos Reflexivos en español… Los Verbos Reflexivos In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives.
Verbos Reflexivos Reflexive verbs are used to express an action done to or for oneself ejemplo: Me cepillo los dientes I brush my teeth The reflexive pronoun.
Verbos Reflexivos. Reflexive verbs are used when the subject of the verb both performs and receives the action. *Remember to always use the reflexive.
Reflexive Verbs. What is a reflexive verb? You may have noticed many verbs that end in –se. These are called reflexive verbs. Ej. Despertarse (to wake.
Vámonos Conjuga los verbos reflexivos. Escribe las frases.
Vámonos Conjuga los verbos reflexivos. Escribe las frases.
Transcripción de la presentación:

a. No puedo respirar. Me duele la garganta porque toso mucho. b. Necesito una inyección (shot). Voy a tomar medicina especial, antibióticos. c. Mi temperatura es 100°. d. Voy a la sala de urgencias porque necesito un yeso. e. Anoche yo comí mucho. Hoy no quiero comer nada. f. Yo leí un libro muy complicado. Pensé de ideas complicadas. 1.la infección 2.dolor de estómago 3.La pierna rota (broken) 4.Dolor de cabeza 5.La fiebre 6.La tos

levantarse – to get up cepillarse los dientes – to brush teeth cepillarse el pelo – to brush hair ducharse – to shower bañarse – to bathe quitarse la ropa – to undress lavarse la cara – to wash one’s face peinarse – to comb hair afeitarse – to shave

Dormirse (o  ue) – to go to sleep Vestirse (e  i) – to get dressed Despertarse (e  ie) – to wake up In the present tense, we change the stem for all pronouns but nosotros (and vosotros). Example: Yo me duermoNosotros nos DORMIMOS Tú te duermes Él ella se duerme Usted Ellos Ellas se duermen ustedes

1. Yo 2. Mi padre 3. Mi hermana 4. Mi tía 5. Mi hermano menor 6. Mi abuelo 7. Mi mamá 8. Yo

Read the passage. Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. Answer them in SPANISH.

 Laura wrote a description of her life in Spain. Write a response about your life here. Tell what you do every day and what time you do it. Use at least eight of the reflexive phrases we learned today!