Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader? 1,000,000 5th Grade Topic 1 5th Grade Topic 2 4th Grade Topic 3 4th Grade Topic 4 3rd Grade Topic 5 3rd Grade Topic.


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Your Classroom Edition!
Pronombres en español.
Pronouns y pronombres.
Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Subject Pronouns Pronombres
Transcripción de la presentación:

Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader?

1,000,000 5th Grade Topic 1 5th Grade Topic 2 4th Grade Topic 3 4th Grade Topic 4 3rd Grade Topic 5 3rd Grade Topic 6 2nd Grade Topic 7 2nd Grade Topic 8 1st Grade Topic 9 1st Grade Topic , , , ,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000

5th Grade Topic 1 Question / ¿Que tipo de television es popular en Chile?

5th Grade Topic 1 Answer / La televisión por cable.


5th Grade Topic 2 Question / ¿Los programas son popular en otros paises son de?

5th Grade Topic 2 Answer / Venuzela


4th Grade Topic 3 Question / ¿La television en Columbia es muy importate porque?

4th Grade Topic 3 Answer / Por que es para los candidatos en las elecciones presidenciales de 1998.


4th Grade Topic 4 Question / ¿Que es el nombre de primer satelite espanol?

4th Grade Topic 4 Answer / Hispasat


3rd Grade Topic 5 Question / Bailado con las Estrellas que es ___ ___ ___ __ _____.

3rd Grade Topic 5 Answer / Apta para toda la familia.


3rd Grade Topic 6 Question / ¿Qué programas __ _____ en televisión recientemente?

3rd Grade Topic 6 Answer / Has visto


2nd Grade Topic 7 Question / No tengo la televisión de cable. Tengo ____.

2nd Grade Topic 7 Answer / La televisión de satélite.


2nd Grade Topic 8 Question / Mi hermana le gusta controlar la tele y _____.

2nd Grade Topic 8 Answer / Cambiar el canal


1st Grade Topic 9 Question / Cuando mis videos estan tardes, pago ___.

1st Grade Topic 9 Answer / Una Multa


1st Grade Topic 10 Question / ¿Rambo es un video ____?

1st Grade Topic 10 Answer / Sólo para mayores.


Million Dollar Question Grade Level Topic 11 Woo. Yay for you. You made it.

1,000,000 Question / ¿Que tipo de programas se producen en Venezuela?

1,000,000 Answer / Se producen comedias, telenovelas, y otros programas para públicos.

Thanks for Playing / Not really.