¿Qué Te Gusta Hacer?. Using Gustar to talk about what people like to do  Use a form of the verb gustar + infinitive to say what people like to do  Me.


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GUSTAR (To like, to be pleasing).
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Gustar with infinitives. WHAT IS AN INFINITIVE? An infinitive is the basic form of a verb, a word that expresses action or a state of being.
Gustar - To like An easy guide to using it with confidence.
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Los apuntes de clase. The verb Gustar is unique from the other –AR verbs. It doesn’t use the subject pronouns… BUT a different set of pronouns. Gustar.
Verbs like GUSTAR Remember gustar is not like a regular verb. We only use the following forms of the verb: Me gusta(n) Nos gusta(n) Te gusta(n) Os gusta(n)
More Verb Notes An infinitive is the basic form of a verb, a word that expresses action or a state of being. In English, most infinitives include the word.
Gustar+ infinitive.
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Gustar + Infinitive.
El Verbo “GUSTA” En español gusta means“is pleasing” when you want to talk about Use gusta when you want to talk about whether you like or dislike an.
DO NOW: Directions: Copy these Infinitve verbs/ activities in your notes for future reference! 1. Nadar =To swim 2. Tocar la guitarra = To play the guitar.
El Verbo “GUSTA” En español gusta means“is pleasing” when you want to talk about Use gusta when you want to talk about whether you like or dislike an.
GUSTAR with nouns. Repaso de gustar gustar is not conjugated like other -ar verbs, but instead has pronouns before it an infinitive follows the form of.
Verbs like GUSTAR From: AJ:
The verb “GUSTAR” Literally means “to be pleasing to” But in English, we would say “to like”
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U1L1 GUSTAR. GUSTAR (TO LIKE) GUSTAR is the verb TO LIKE in Spanish It literally translates to “to be pleasing,” but we use it to mean “to like” in English.
Gustar… Cómo se lo conjuga y usa. Gustar—to be pleasing, to like Gustar is somewhat of an irregular verb because you will only use the 3 rd person forms.
El Verbo “GUSTA” En español gusta means“is pleasing” when you want to talk about Use gusta when you want to talk about whether you like or dislike to.
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
Recuerdas? – We use gustar to say that things are pleasing to us. Me gusta la clase de español. Te gusta el arte. Le gusta el parque. To say “we like”
Gustar with an infinitive ¡Avancemos! p.42. An infinitive is the basic form of a verb. In English, most infinitives include the word “to” Ex: to eat In.
Pagina 39.  The verb gustar is used to express what people like or don’t like to do  You will mainly use two forms of gustar: gusta and gustan  You.
Ser & Gustar + Infinitive Gramatica 1.1. Subject pronouns….  Indicate who is being described or who does the action in a sentence I = Yo You (familiar)
Indirect Object Pronouns (always used with gustar) Me Nos Te Os Le Les.
(loose translation).  Gusta – is used when you like one thing, or to do something (verb)  I like food. -> Me gusta la comida.  I like to talk (verb)
Bellringer 2/22 Fill in the blank with the correct gustar pronouns (me, te, le, nos, os, les) and choose whether to use gusta or gustan. Write sentences.
EL VERBO GUSTAR 9/9/2013 SPANISH 1 SRA. BALDWIN. GUSTAR Gustar is a Spanish verb that means “to be pleasing to”. In English, it’s kind of like saying.
Verbs like GUSTAR Remember gustar is not like a regular verb. We only use the following forms of the verb: Me gusta(n) Nos gusta(n) Te gusta(n) Os gusta(n)
Los verbos: interesar; aburrir; gustar/(encantar)
El verbo «gustar» Voces 1 – Capítulo 6. GUSTAR El verbo «gustar» significa “to be pleasing to.” Por ejemplo: – A mí me gusta el helado. – Ice cream is.
Gustar + infinitive to like / to be pleasing to. How to form gustar To talk about what we like, we use the verb gustar. With gustar, we use indirect object.
Gustar to be pleasing (use it to say what someone likes, or likes to do)
The verb gustar Part 2. Remember the verb gustar means to like (A mí) me gusta bailar. (A ti) te gusta caminar con el perro. A usted le gusta leer. A.
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INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Gustar, Interesar, Aburrir.
Ser means “to be” For each person (I, you, he, she, we, you all, they), there is a specific conjugation (verb form)
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T HE VERB GUSTAR, ¿ POR QUÉ ? AND PORQUE. T HE VERB GUSTAR Use the verb gustar to say what people like. Use the form gusta if the thing they like is singular.
THE VERB GUSTAR ¿POR QUÉ? AND PORQUE 1 Capítulo 2:Gramática 2.
Gustar to like. Gustar A verb is an action or state of being. An infinitive is the basic form of the verb. In English, most infinitives include the word.
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Direct object The person or thing that receives the action of the verb.
Gustar & Similar Verbs. I.To say what people like in Spanish, we use the verb gustar. This verb literally means to be pleasing So instead of saying, “I.
Gustar with infinitives El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
Ir & Gustar To Go & To be pleased by Mrs. Ness Español 1, Unidad III Mrs. Ness Español 1, Unidad III.
Verbs like GUSTAR. INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Me (me) Nos (us) Te (you) Le Les (him/her/you formal) (them/you all) *****ONE OF THESE PRONOUNS NEEDS TO BE.
“Formula de Gusta” Infinitivo (énfasis)(pronombre)(verbo) NO Practicar: 1.I like to learn Spanish. 2. She likes to talk on the phone. 3.You (familiar)
Copy this on pagína 7 of your cuaderno. Campana # 21 Oct 29 th Campana # 22 Nov. 2 nd Campana # 23 Nov 4 th Campana #24 Nov 6 th Campana #25 Nov 10 th.
Present tense of Querer with infinitives p. 90. To say what you or others want, use a form of the verb querer. The form you use depends on the subject.
Gustar + nouns We use the verb “gustar” to talk about what a person likes and does not like to do. Use gustar + infinitivegustar I like to play sports.
Saying what Someone Likes to Do Using gustar + infinitive Español 1 Unidad 3 Etapa 1.
Gustar = to like When do we use the verb gustar? We use the verb “gustar” to talk about what a person likes to do. How do I express what activities people.
© 2010 Teacher’s Discovery The Verb gustar By Jami Sipe.
Chapter 1. The equivalent of gustar in English is… to like.
Verbs like Gustar Notes/ Examples.
Repaso para el examen Unidad 1.1. “gusta” verb A Julia le gusta.
Transcripción de la presentación:

¿Qué Te Gusta Hacer?

Using Gustar to talk about what people like to do  Use a form of the verb gustar + infinitive to say what people like to do  Me gusta preparar la cena.

The forms of gustar are as follows:  me gustaI like  te gustayou like(informal)  le gustahe/she likes  le gustayou like (formal)  nos gustawe like  os gustayou like (familiar in Spain)  les gustathey like les gustayou like (plural)

Use a + noun/pronoun to emphasize or clarify/identify the person you are talking about  Le gusta pasear con amigos.  A Sonia le gusta pasear con amigos.  A ella le gusta pasear con amigos. or  Nos gusta pasear con amigos.  A Ana y a mí nos gusta pasear con amigos.  A nosotros nos gusta pasear con amigos.

The pronouns that follow a:  A mí me gusta escuchar música.  A ti te gusta escuchar música.  A usted le gusta escuchar música.  A él le gusta escuchar música.  A ella le gusta escuchar música.  A nosotros nos gusta escuchar música.  A vosostros os gusta escuchar música.  A ustedes les gusta escuchar música.  A ellos les gusta escuchar música.  A ellas les gusta escuchar músia.