Los Pronombres Sujetos Subject Pronouns


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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.

Taming Regular Present Tense Spanish Verbs By William Bishop (Bill)
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing”
Los sujetos Subjects. Los sujetos singulares Yo = I Tú = You (informal) Él = he / Ella = she / Usted (ud) = you (formal)
Indirect object pronouns (Los complementos indirectos)
Saying what Someone Likes to Do Using gustar + infinitive Español 1 Unidad 3 Etapa 1.
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Singular Subjects Yo - I Tú - You (informal, singular) Él - He Ella -She Usted (Ud) - You (formal, singular)
Gustar Gustar- to _______ ___ ______ ___ ______ If what you are liking is singular, use _____ If what you are liking is plural, use _____ Use gustar with.
Indirect Object Pronouns
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing”
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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Ser part 2. Subject Pronouns in Spanish Singular Plural_______ Yo = I Nosotros = We (masculine/mixed group) Nosotras =We (feminine) Tú = You Él=He Ellos.
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GUSTAR Literally, the verb gustar means to be pleasing We translate this as to like We do not conjugate gustar in a traditional way (we use object pronouns.
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Indirect Object Pronouns
Los Pronombres de Complemento Directo e Indirecto
III. Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
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Los pronombres The subject of a sentence tells who is doing the action. Gregorio escucha música Ana canta y baila. S V S V V.
El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar means to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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ANTE TODO In Spanish, as in English, the object of a preposition is the noun or pronoun that follows a preposition. Observe the following diagram. PREPOSITION.
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Gramática 3.1 Gustar with infinitives Pronouns after prepositions
El verbo gustar. The verb gustar is used to talk about things that you or someone else likes to do. Gustar translates to ____ is pleasing to me in English.
El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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Verbs like GUSTAR Remember gustar is not like a regular verb. We only use the following forms of the verb: Me gusta(n) Nos gusta(n) Te gusta(n) Os gusta(n)
In Spanish gustar means to be pleasing This is the equivalent to the English to like.
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El Verbo GUSTAR En español gustar significa to be pleasing In English, the equivalent is to like.
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El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
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Los complementos indirectos
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Transcripción de la presentación:

Los Pronombres Sujetos Subject Pronouns Singular First pers. I Yo Second pers. You (fam.) Tú You (form.) Ud. Third pers. He El She Ella

Los Pronombres Sujetos Subject Pronouns Plural First pers. We Nosotros/as Second pers. You (Spain) Vosotros/as You (L.A./form)Uds. Third pers. They (masc.) Ellos They (fem.) Ellas

Los complementos (Objects) Direct Objects: Indirect Objects: me me te te lo le la nos nos os os los les las

Practice Libro – página 28, ej. 30: Paulina y Ana ven a Nacho. Ricardo ayuda a sus amigos. Carolina trae la comida.

Mi amiga y yo llamamos al director. Tú y Roberto leen los libros para mañana. Mi profesor tiene los exámenes.

Pronouns with Prepositions With a, de, para y con: mí* nosotros/as ti* vosotros/as Ud. Uds. El Ellos Ella Ellas *NOTE: With con, use conmigo and contigo.

Reflexive Pronouns me nos te os se se

Practice Libro página 29, ej. 31

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