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Some Irregular Verbs. You have already learned how to conjugate regular –ar verbs in the present tense. Today you will learn how to conjugate the following.

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Presentación del tema: "Some Irregular Verbs. You have already learned how to conjugate regular –ar verbs in the present tense. Today you will learn how to conjugate the following."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Some Irregular Verbs

2 You have already learned how to conjugate regular –ar verbs in the present tense. Today you will learn how to conjugate the following irregular verbs: DAR IR ESTAR Now you will learn that some verbs are irregular. That means that they do not follow the normal rules.

3 Dar (to give) yo doynosotros damos nosotras tú dasXXXXXXXXXXXXXX él ella da usted ellos ellas dan ustedes

4 Ir (to go) yo voynosotros vamos nosotras tú vasXXXXXXXXXXXXXX él ella va usted ellos ellas van ustedes

5 Estar (to be) yo estoynosotros estamos nosotras tú estásXXXXXXXXXXXXXX él ella está usted ellos ellas están ustedes

6 SER and ESTAR both mean “TO BE” We use ESTAR only to express: 1. feelings 2. location They are not interchangeable. In all other instances we use SER.

7 ESTAR to express feelings: Yo estoy cansado. - I am tired Nosotros estamos enfermos. - We are sick. Ella está nerviosa. - She is nervous. ¿Cómo estás? - How are you?

8 ESTAR to express location: Yo estoy en la clase. - I am in class. Ellos están en México. - They are in Mexico. Tú estás en la papelería. - You are in the school supply store. La camisa está en la tienda de ropa. - The shirt is in the clothing store.

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