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La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

(Present Tense Only).  Conjugate your verbs like normal except inside the boot, you will stem change.  If there’s more than one stem changing vowel,

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Presentación del tema: "(Present Tense Only).  Conjugate your verbs like normal except inside the boot, you will stem change.  If there’s more than one stem changing vowel,"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 (Present Tense Only)

2  Conjugate your verbs like normal except inside the boot, you will stem change.  If there’s more than one stem changing vowel, how do you know which one to change?  Stem change the vowel closest to the (-ar,- er,-ir) ending Example: entender (e-ie) (Which e is the stem changer? The 1 st one or the 2 nd ?)  DO NOT stem change in the nosotros (we) form or vosotros (you all Spain form)

3 YoNosotros túVosotros Él / ella / ud.Ellos(as) / uds.

4 YoNosotros tú Él / ella / ud.Ellos(as) / uds. Vosotros

5 juegojugamos juegasjugaís juegajuegan


7 duerm

8 duermo

9 dormimos duermes duermeduermen

10 duermodormimos duermesdormís duermeduermen

11 tengo

12 tengo* tien

13 tengo* tienes

14 tengo*tenemos tienestenéis tienetienen

15 digo*

16 dicdic

17 dices

18 digo*decimos dicesdecís dicedicen

19 *yogo-irregular yo form VerbStem Change RuleMeaning *Tener (Tengo)e  ieTo have Querere  ieTo want *Venir (Vengo)e  ieTo come (over) Entendere  ieTo understand Merendare  ieTo snack *Decir (Digo)e  iTo say or tell Dormiro  ueTo sleep Almorzaro  ueTo eat lunch Podero  ueTo be able to (can) Volvero  ueTo return Jugaru  ueTo play (sport or game)

Descargar ppt "(Present Tense Only).  Conjugate your verbs like normal except inside the boot, you will stem change.  If there’s more than one stem changing vowel,"

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