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PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE OR PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE Past perfect subjunctive is used to say that you wish that things had happened differently than they.

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Presentación del tema: "PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE OR PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE Past perfect subjunctive is used to say that you wish that things had happened differently than they."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE OR PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE Past perfect subjunctive is used to say that you wish that things had happened differently than they did. For example used after ojalá que to express a wish about something that didn’t happen: Ojalá que hubiera llamado. I wish he had called. (But he didn’t) Mood: pluperfect subjunctive Time: Refers to the relatively remote past. Key phrase: Had + past participle. Structure: HABER conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive + past participle.

2 CONJUGACION Imperfecto del subjuntivo de HABER+ PASADO PARTICIPIO ADO /IDO Yo hubierallamado Tú hubieras llamado Él /ella/Ud. hubiera llamado Nosotros hubiéramos llamado Vosotros hubierais llamado Ellos/as/ Uds. Hubieran llamado

3 USO DEL PLUSCUAMPERFECTO DEL SUBJUNTIVO MAIN CLAUSE IN THE PAS T PRETERITE OR IMPERFECT QUE COMO SI CONJUNCION SUBORDINATE CLAUSE IN PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE ¿Fue posible Was it possible que that yo hubiera hecho tal cosa? I had done such a thing. Yo esperaba I hoped que that hubieras comido you had eaten No había nadie There wasn’t anybody que who hubiera escuchado had listened

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