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Chapter 5A Page 244. To talk about family Los abuelos- grandparents El abuelo- grandfather La abuela- grandmother El esposo- husband La esposa- wife í.

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Presentación del tema: "Chapter 5A Page 244. To talk about family Los abuelos- grandparents El abuelo- grandfather La abuela- grandmother El esposo- husband La esposa- wife í."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Chapter 5A Page 244

2 To talk about family Los abuelos- grandparents El abuelo- grandfather La abuela- grandmother El esposo- husband La esposa- wife í

3 To talk about Family Los hermanos- brothers and sisters,siblings El hermano- brother La hermana- sister El hermanastro- stepbrother La hermanastra- stepsister

4 To talk about family Los hijos- children, sons El hijo- son La hija- daughter Los padres- parents El padre- dad La madre- mom

5 To talk about family El padrastro- stepdad La madrastra- stepmom Los primos- cousins El primo- cousin (male) La prima- cousin (female) Los tíos- aunt and uncle, uncles El tío- uncle La tía- aunt

6 To discuss and compare ages ¿Cuántos años tiene(n)____?- How old is/ are ___________? Tiene(n) ____ años.- He/she is /They are ____ years old. Mayor, mayores- older Menor,menores- younger

7 To talk about people and animals La persona- person El gato- cat El perro- dog

8 To describe activities at parties Abrir- to open Celebrar- to celebrate Decorar- to decorate Las decoraciones- decorations Hacer un video- to videotape El video- video

9 To describe activities at parties Preparar- to prepare Romper- to break Sacar fotos- to take photos La foto- photo La cámara- camera

10 To discuss celebrations El cumpleaños- birthday ¡Feliz cumpleaños!- Happy Birthday! Los dulces- candy La flor- flower El globo- balloon

11 To discuss celebrations La luz- light Las lucues- lights El papel picado- cut-paper decorations El pastel- cake La piñata- piñata El regalo- gift, present

12 Other Useful words Que- who, that Sólo- only

13 Tener- to have YoTengo tútúTienes Él, ella, ustedTiene Nosotros, NosotrasTenemos Vosotros, Vosotrastenéis Ellos, Ellas, Ustedestienen

14 Possessive Adjectives Mi(s)- my Tu(s)- your Su(s)- your (formal), his, her, its Nuestro(s),a(s)- our Vuestro(s), a(s)- your (plural) Su (s)- your(pl), their

15 Encantar- to love gustar- to like (a+person) le gusta(n)-he/ she likes (a+person) le encanta(n)-he/ she loves

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