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Chapter 2A: Reflexive Verbs Vocab. To wake up (e  ie) Despertarse.

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Presentación del tema: "Chapter 2A: Reflexive Verbs Vocab. To wake up (e  ie) Despertarse."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Chapter 2A: Reflexive Verbs Vocab

2 To wake up (e  ie) Despertarse

3 To brush one’s teeth Cepillarse los dientes

4 To prepare (oneself) Prepararse

5 To shower (oneself) Ducharse

6 To bathe (oneself) Bañarse

7 To shave oneself Afeitarse

8 To wash (your face) Lavarse (la cara)

9 To cut one’s hair Cortarse el pelo

10 To dry (oneself) Secarse

11 To dry (one’s hair) Secarse (el pelo) El secador

12 To dress(oneself) (e  i) Vestirse

13 To put clothes on (oneself) Ponerse la ropa

14 To put deodorant on (oneself) Ponerse el desodorante

15 To put cologne on (oneself) Ponerse la colonia

16 To apply make- up (on oneself) Maquillarse

17 To put lipstick on Pintarse los labios

18 Paint one’s nails Pintarse las uñas

19 Comb one’s hair Peinarse el pelo

20 To fix (one’s hair with gel) Arreglarse el pelo (con el gel)

21 To go to bed (o  ue) Acostarse

22 To fall asleep (o  ue) Dormirse

23 To ask to borrow (e  i) Pedirte prestado

24 Towel Toalla

25 Belt El cinturón

26 Brush El cepillo

27 The Shower La ducha

28 Gold Jewelry Las joyas de oro

29 Silver Jewelry Las joyas de plata

30 Make-up El maquillaje

31 Hair El pelo

32 Comb El peine

33 Beauty Salon El salón de belleza

34 Fingernails Las uñas

35 Audition Audición

36 Special Event Un evento especial

37 Wedding La boda

38 A date La cita

39 Competition El concurso

40 Enthusiastic Entusiasmado

41 Nervous Nervioso

42 Before Antes de

43 After Después de

44 Conjugating Reflexive Verbs: Explanation and study guide

45 Reflexive Pronouns and their definitions: (Yo): Me = Myself(Nosotros): Nos = Ourselves (Tú): Te = Yourself (Él/Ella/Usted): Se = His/Herself(Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes): Se = themselves Regular verb + reflexive pronoun = Reflexive verb Example: Preparar + se = Prepararse A verb is an action that happens. A reflexive verb is a an action that a person does to themselves. Lavar = to wash Lavarse = to wash yourself Secar = to dry Secarse = to dry yourself Subjects: Yo = I Nosotros = we Tú = you (informal) Él = he Ellos = them Ella = she Ellas = them Usted = you (formal) Ustedes = “you guys”

46 When to conjugate the verb:  When it is the first verb in the sentence  When it is the only verb in a sentence  When it is separated from other verbs or other parts of the sentence with a comma When not to conjugate the verb  When it is right after a conjugated verb  When it follows “antes de” (before) and “después de” (after)  When it follows “tener que” Comprehension Questions 1)How do reflexive verbs differ from verbs that are not reflexive? How can you tell the difference between the two? 2) What is the difference between “arreglar” and “arreglarse?” 3) Why doesn’t this sentence make sense: “Yo me lavo mi perro.” ? 4) When do you conjugate the verb? When should you not conjugate the verb?

47 Steps to conjugating a reflexive verb STEP 1: Separate the verb and the reflexive pronoun. You may think that they are together one word, but they are really two separate verbs pushed together. Lavar = To wash se = oneself Lavarme = to wash onself STEP 2: Conjugate the reflexive pronoun ONLY! The reflexive pronoun ALWAYS has to match the subject. STEP 3: Decide if you must conjugate the main verb or not. STEP 4: If yes, conjugate the verb and then put the reflexive pronoun before the word. STEP 4: If no, leave the verb and just tack the reflexive pronoun right onto the end of it. Nosotros ____________________ la cara antes de ir a la escuela. (Lavarse) Lavarse  Lavar se Lavar se  Lavar nos Lavar nos  Lavamos nos  Nos Lavamos

48 Tú ____________________ para la fiesta. (maquillarse) Maquillar se Maquillar te Maquillas te Te Maquillas A few more examples… Notice how each part – the verb and the reflexive pronoun – match the subject (tú)

49 Ellas ____________________ a las siete de la mañana. (despertarse) Despertar se Despiertan se Se despiertan A few more examples… Notice how each part – the verb and the reflexive pronoun – match the subject (Ellas)

50 Antes de ____________________, me seco con una toalla. (vestirse) Vestir se Vestir me A few more examples… The verb isn’t conjugated. It is left in the infinitive (with –ar, -er, and –ir on the end) because it follows “antes de”.

51 Nina quiere ____________________, las uñas esta noche. (pintarse) Pintar se A few more examples… The verb isn’t conjugated. It is left in the infinitive (with –ar, -er, and –ir on the end) because it follows a conjugated verb.

52 NOW YOU TRY: 1)Antes de vestirme, yo _______________ el desordorante y la colonia. (ponerse) 2) Tú necesitas _______________________ el pelo. Es muy largo. (cortarse) 3) Nosotros __________________ después de jugar al fútbol americano. (ducharse) 4) Tengo que _________________ las joyas. (ponerse) 5) Ustedes ________________ a los amigos cuando salen de la escuela. (despedirse) Describe the things you do to get ready for school in the morning. Include at least 8 sentences with reflexive verbs. 1)____________________________________________________________________ 2)____________________________________________________________________ 3)____________________________________________________________________ 4)____________________________________________________________________ 5)____________________________________________________________________ 6)____________________________________________________________________ 7)____________________________________________________________________ 8) ____________________________________________________________________

53 ANSWERS: 1)Antes de vestirme, yo me pongo el desordorante y la colonia. 2) Tú necesitas cortarte el pelo. Es muy largo. 3) Nosotros nos duchamos después de jugar al fútbol americano. 4) Tengo que ponerme las joyas. 5) Ustedes se despiden a los amigos cuando salen de la escuela. Describe the things you do to get ready for school in the morning. Include at least 8 sentences with reflexive verbs. (Answers may vary. Below is an example of an acceptable response). Cada mañana, me preparo para la escuela. Primero, me despierto a las seis y me ducho. En la ducha, me afeito las piernas. Después de secarme con una toalla, me seco el pelo con la secadora. Me arreglo el pelo con el gel. Próximo, me visto y me pongo las joyas de plata. Me pinto las uñas y después de pintarme las uñas, me maquillo. Finalmente, me despido a mi mamá y salgo para la escuela.

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