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Chapter 5 review. O→UE Stem changing verbs These verbs have an “o” in the stem that changes spelling to a “ue” when conjugated. Poder- can/to be able.

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1 Chapter 5 review

2 O→UE Stem changing verbs These verbs have an “o” in the stem that changes spelling to a “ue” when conjugated. Poder- can/to be able to Dormir-to Sleep Volver-to return (from a place) Devolver- to return (something)

3 Ejemplo: Poder- Can/to be able to Yo puedoNosotros(as) podemos T ú puedes Èl puedeEllos pueden Ella puedeEllas pueden Usted puedeUstedes pueden There is NEVER a stem change in the nosotros(as) form! *Stem changing verbs use the same verb endings as Regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs.

4 Dormir-to sleep YoNosotros (as) T ú ÈlEllos EllaEllas Usted Ustedes

5 Jugar- to play Yo Nosotros (as) T ú ÈlEllos EllaEllas Usted Ustedes

6 Jugar Sometimes the verb jugar is followed by “a”. The “a” does not translate and does not have to be used. Ejemplos: Juego baloncesto. Juego al baloncesto. (A+el= al)

7 E IE Stem changing verbs These verbs have an “e” in the stem that changes spelling to an “ie” when conjugated. Empezar- to begin Comenzar- to begin Querer- to want Perder- to lose Preferir- to prefer Pensar- to think

8 Comenzar- to begin YoNosotros (as) T  ÈlEllos EllaEllas Usted Ustedes

9 Comenzar and Empezar require an “a” before an infinitive (unconjugated verb). Ejemplos: Ellos empiezan a jugar. Yo comienzo a estudiar a las siete.

10 Gustar- to like/to be pleasing to Gustar is a regular –ar verb, but you will only see it used two ways, either as “gusta”(singular) or “gustan” (plural).

11 Gustar- to like/ to be pleasing to I like- Me gusta(n)We like-Nos gusta(n) You like- Te gusta(n) He likes- Le gusta(n)You (pl)like- Les gusta(n) She likes- Le gusta(n) They like- Les gusta(n) You (f) like- Le gusta(n) *Me, te, le, nos, and les are called direct object pronouns.

12 The reason gustar is only used with an –a or –an ending is because it literally means “to be pleasing to”. Use gusta when what is being liked is singular. Use gustan when what is being liked is plural. Ejemplos: Me gusta el f  tbol. (f  tbol is singular) Te gustan los deportes. (deportes is plural)

13 Practica I like tenis. We like volleyball. They like basketball.

14 * Note that pronouns (yo, t , él, ella, usted…) ARE NOT used to start a sentence using gustar. *You can use the letter “A” with the following to clarify who the sentence is about. A m í*A nosotros(as) A ti A élA ellos A ella A ellas A ustedA ustedes *DON’T forget your accent mark!

15 Ejemplos A m í me gustan los deportes. A ti te gusta el golf. A ustedes les gustan el golf y el tenis. * *Notice that this example used “gustan” (the plural form) because it was followed by two sports.

16 You can also use “A” followed by a name to clarify statements with gustar. A Elo ísa le gusta el amarillo. A Juana y Roberto les gustan el rojo.

17 Practica We like football. You like the game. Jamie likes the color pink.

18 Gustar with the infinitive Gustar is often followed by the infinitive to tell what activities you like to do. When using this construction, use the singular form of the verb (gusta). Ejemplos- Me gusta correr. Te gustan batear y atrapar.

19 Telling what you like more To describe what you like more, follow gusta(n) with m ás. Ejemplo: Me gusta la camisa blanca, pero me gusta más la camisa verde. Qué te gusta más, ¿ la blanca o la verde?

20 Telling what you don’t like To make gusta(n) negative, place “no” in front of the direct object pronoun. Ejemplos: A ustedes no les gustan los deportes. A Elena no le gustan los deportes tampoco.

21 Interesar and Aburrir are used like gustar. They only have two forms: Interesa (singular) Interesan (plural) Aburre (singular) Aburren (plural)

22 ____bores me- Me aburre(n) ___bores us-Nos aburre(n) ____bores you-Te aburre(n) ____bores him -Le aburre(n) ___bores You (pl)- Les aburre(n) ____bores her-Le aburre(n) ____ bores them-Les aburre(n) ____bores you (f) - Le aburre(n) *Me, te, le, nos, and les are called direct object pronouns.

23 Practica. Math bores me. History bores ya’ll. English bores us.

24 ____interests me- Me interesa(n) ___interests us-Nos interesa(n) ____interests you-Te interesa(n) ____interests him -Le interesa(n) ___interestsYou (pl)- Les interesa(n) ____interests her-Le interesa(n) ____ interests them-Les interesa(n) ____interests you (f) - Le interesa(n)

25 Practica. Sleeping interests you. Guarding interests me. Blocking interests him.

26 Just like with gustar you can use “a m í, a ti, etc. to clarify who you are talking about. Ejemplos: A mí me interesa el tenis. A él le aburren los deportes.

27 To describe what bores/interests you more, follow aburre(n) or interesa(n) with m ás. Ejemplo: Me interesa el f  tbol, pero me interesa más el baloncesto. Qué te aburre más, ¿practicar o jugar?

28 To make aburre(n) or interesa(n) negative, place “no” in front of the direct object pronoun. Ejemplos: A ustedes no les aburren los deportes. A Elena no le aburren los deportes tampoco.

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