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Content objective: Students will be introduced with the vocabulary “La ropa”. They will also be able to visually recognize the vocabulary “La ropa”. Language.

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Presentación del tema: "Content objective: Students will be introduced with the vocabulary “La ropa”. They will also be able to visually recognize the vocabulary “La ropa”. Language."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Content objective: Students will be introduced with the vocabulary “La ropa”. They will also be able to visually recognize the vocabulary “La ropa”. Language objective: Students will practice the pronunciation of “La ropa”. World Language Content Standards for California: Content: Stage 1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: Shopping, clothes, colors, and sizes. Communication: Stage 1.2 Interpret written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language. Culture: Stage 1.1 Associate products, practices, and perspectives with the target culture. Structures: Stage 1.0 Students use orthography, phonology, or ASL parameters to understand words, signs (ASL), and phrases in context. Settings: Stage 1.0 Students use language in highly predictable common daily settings.

2 La ropa

3 ¡Mi mamá y yo vamos a ir de compras al centro comercial! Queremos comprar mucha ropa.

4 Mi mamá quiere comprar… la blusael vestido

5 Para mi papá yo quiero comprar… la camisa los pantalones

6 También para mi papá quiero comprar… la chaquetalos jeans

7 No quiero comprar… la camisetalos pantalones cortos

8 Para mi papá mi mamá quiere comprar… los calcetineslos zapatos

9 No quiero comprar… el gorroel sombrero

10 ¿Son los pantalones cortos o los pantalones? los pantalones cortos

11 ¿cierto o falso? el sombrero

12 ¿Es la camiseta o la camisa? la camisa

13 ¿Qué ropa tiene la chica? a)La blusa b)La camisa c)Los jeans d)La blusa y los jeans


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