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Los verbos Tener y Venir. Antes de empezar… Some verbs are IRREGULAR, which means that they do not follow the “rules” or patterns that we have talked.

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Presentación del tema: "Los verbos Tener y Venir. Antes de empezar… Some verbs are IRREGULAR, which means that they do not follow the “rules” or patterns that we have talked."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Los verbos Tener y Venir

2 Antes de empezar… Some verbs are IRREGULAR, which means that they do not follow the “rules” or patterns that we have talked about. Any verb that does not follow the conjugation patterns that we have discussed in class about REGULAR –AR, -ER, or –IR VERBS is IRREGULAR. Before you move on to the next slide, try and think of the two verbs that we have learned about this year that are IRREGULAR in the PRESENT TENSE…

3 Verbos irregulares… The two IRREGULAR VERBS that we have talked about so far this year are… SERESTAR Soy Eres Es Somos Sois Son Estoy Estás Está Estamos Estáis Están SER is irregular because, even though it is an –er verb, its conjugations do not match up with other –er verbs. ESTAR is irregular because, even though it is an –ar verb, its conjugations do not match up with other –ar verbs.

4 Verbos irregulares… There are two more IRREGULAR VERBS that we can use to talk about family members that are useful to learn about… TENER – To haveVENIR – To come Tengo Tienes Tiene Tenemos Tenéis Tienen Vengo Vienes Viene Venimos Venís Vienen Most of the conjugated forms of TENER in the PRESENT TENSE are slightly different than other –er verbs. Most of the conjugated forms of VENIR in the PRESENT TENSE are slightly different than other –ir verbs.

5 Try to translate the following sentences… Her mother comes to her house every Tuesday. We have a crazy aunt. You have long hair. My father has brown eyes. I have blue eyes. They come to school every day. Su madre viene a su casa todos los jueves. Nosotros tenemos una tía loca. Tú tienes pelo largo. Mi padre tiene los ojos morenos. Yo tengo ojos azúles. Ellos(as) vienen a la escuela todos los días.

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