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Word, word, what is the word? Teaching vocab. in the foreign lang. classroom.

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Presentación del tema: "Word, word, what is the word? Teaching vocab. in the foreign lang. classroom."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Word, word, what is the word? Teaching vocab. in the foreign lang. classroom

2 Vocab.  What does it mean to know a word?  Meaning  Multiple meanings/Context  Register, i.e. level of formality  Pronunciation  Spelling  Gender

3 How do we learn new words?  Which of the following represents how students learn best?  So what should we do as teachers?  Use both visual and Aural...  And.... anything else we can.  Multiple connections, visual is necessary, but not sufficient

4 Principles of Vocab. Teaching  Proceed from Input to Output (kind of agree with book)  Intro. Vocab. in Context Using Real Authentic Language.  Intro. Vocab. Thematically  Present Input in an Interactive Way  Enhance Vocab. Input through use of Multimedia  Use Realia – (Bring the Thing)  Pictures photos drawings, oh my!  Use body language  Use preexisting knowledge

5 Use the students and the things -  What things are there in the classroom?  Lots of realia, plus a lot of people.  Simón dice, it’s not just for body parts anymore.

6 Span 105 La comida

7 Carnes cerdo solomillocordero terneracochinillo ¿Qué tipo de carne es tu favorita? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué tipo de carne no te gusta? ¿Por qué?

8 Mariscos calamares langostinos camarones ostras mejillones ¿Te gustan ___________? ¿Has comido _________? ¿Quieres comer _______ esta tarde?

9 Fruta aguacates manzanas piña naranjas pera durazno sandía Pregunta a un compañero: ¿Cómo debo comer ________? Contesta usando la forma imperativa de tú con los siguientes verbos: pelar, picar, cortar, lavar, comer, hacer, mezclar Ej: ¿Cómo debo comer este durazno? Lavalo y luego comelo o pelalo porque tiene pelos.

10 Verduras tomates cebollas pimientos verdes pepinos papas zanahorias lechuga berenjena maíz brócoli ¿Cuáles son los pasos de preparar una ensalada? Explica a tu compañero usando tener que, o mandatos Verbos: picar, pelar, cortar, mezclar

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