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Superlatives Español 2-2 Sra. Carpinella. What are superlatives? Superlatives are made when one object/one group is compared to a larger group of many.

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Presentación del tema: "Superlatives Español 2-2 Sra. Carpinella. What are superlatives? Superlatives are made when one object/one group is compared to a larger group of many."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Superlatives Español 2-2 Sra. Carpinella

2 What are superlatives? Superlatives are made when one object/one group is compared to a larger group of many objects or groups. Superlatives are among many things, groups, ideas, or concepts.

3 Superlative formula superlatives that are regular have the same pattern: def. article [el,la,los,las] + más/menos + adjective + de más = most menos = least De = of / in

4 Superlative The boy is the tallest of the students. This is a superlative of one among many people. It will use the formula def. article [el,la,los,las] + más/menos + adjective + de Tallest is not a word in Spanish, superlative words that end in –est in English are made by saying most followed by the adjective in Spanish. Tallest = most tall = más alto

5 Superlative The boy is tallest of the students def. article [el,la,los,las] + más/menos + adjective + de El chico es el más alto de los estudiantes. Make sure the adjective and definite article agree in number and gender with the subject.

6 superlatives The cats are the smallest on the farm. def. article [el,la,los,las] + más/menos + adjective + de Los gatos son los más pequeños de la finca. Make sure the adjective and the article agree in number and gender.

7 Superlative The boy is tallest of the students def. article [el,la,los,las] + más/menos + adjective + de El chico es el más alto de los estudiantes. Make sure the adjective and definite article agree in number and gender with the subject. There is a second way of saying this: use menos El chico es el menos bajo de los estudiantes. The boy is the least short of the students.

8 superlatives The cats are the smallest on the farm. def. article [el,la,los,las] + más/menos + adjective + de Los gatos son los más pequeños de la finca. Make sure the adjective and the article agree in number and gender. When the noun is part of the superlative phrase, place it between the article and más or menos. Los gatos son los animales menos grandes de la finca. The cats are the least big animal on the farm.

9 superlatives - irregulars There are 4 irregulars: Viejo old Jovenyoung Malbad Buenogood These are the adjectives that you will see in the sentence.

10 superlatives - irregular Viejoold Mayor = oldest The clocks are the oldest of the things. Los relojes son los mayores de las cosas. NOTICE: This sentence does not use más or menos. With irregulars, you do not need to say more or less because it is already in the word = oldest.

11 superlatives - irregular jovenyoung menor = youngest The girl is the youngest of the family. La chica es la menor de la familia. NOTICE: This sentence does not use más or menos. With irregulars, you do not need to say more or less because it is already in the word = youngest.

12 superlatives - irregular malbad peor = worst Winter is the worst of the seasons. La estación del invierno es la peor de las estaciónes. NOTICE: This sentence does not use más or menos. With irregulars, you do not need to say more or less because it is already in the word = worst.

13 superlatives - irregular buenogood mejor = best The Chevrolet drives the best of all the cars. El Chevrolet maneja el mejor de todos los carros. NOTICE: This sentence does not use más or menos. With irregulars, you do not need to say more or less because it is already in the word = best.

14 Una cosa más Superlatives can be used to refer to an idea or concept. When this occurs, we use the neuter article LO instead of the definite article el, la, los or las The most important thing is to study. Lo más importante es estudiar. The most important thing is to be nice. Lo más importante es ser simpático.

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