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Señora Ashley la clase de español

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Presentación del tema: "Señora Ashley la clase de español"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Señora Ashley la clase de español
Bienvenidos Señora Ashley la clase de español

2 Participation Grade 15 % of your final grade
Each day you are graded on your participation based on a 5-point system.

3 Your Daily Class Participation The math
1 Point = Arriving on time, quietly and orderly. 1 Point = The Do Now 1 Point = Respectful and Silent in Class, No warnings 1 Point = Participating in Class, Trying 1 Point = Completes all classwork, hands it in to the teacher Daily Total = 5 points Weekly Total = 25 points and this is averaged into your final grade

4 Tardies It is very important that students are on time to class Late students are not allowed in the class without a late pass. 4 tardies= detention

5 The Big Rules… Be in your seat on time with your book bags in the back of the classroom!

6 The Big Rules… Do not stand up without permission!


8 The Big Rules… Do not speak without raising your hand!

9 The Big Rules… Do not speak in Arabic! ممنوع

10 Come to office hours!! The Big Rules…
Have a question about grade? An issue with classmates/ partners? Come to office hours!!

11 To the teacher, and other students…

12 El Alfabeto The Alphabet in Spanish

13 The Alphabet March a, b, c, d, e, f (2x) g, h, i, j, k (2x)
l (2x), ll (2x) m, n, ñ. ¡o! ¡p! (2x) q, r, rr, s, t (2x) u, v, w, x (2x) y, z (2x) Este es el alfabeto (Yo sé el alfabeto) (¡Olé!)

14 Alphabet March Song A
Buena suerte… (Good luck….)

15 Spanish alphabet (alfabeto español)
A a B b C c Ch ch D d E e F f G g H h I i a be ce che de e efe ge hache i J j K k L l Ll ll M m N n Ñ ñ O o P p Q q jota ka ele elle eme ene eñe o pe cu R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z erre ese te u uve uve doble doble u doble ve equis i griega ye zeta

16 Different accents. Can you hear the difference?
Spain Mexico


18 El abecedario Another name for the alphabet in Spanish

19 Examples Ejemplos

20 A,a águila

21 B,b bicicleta

22 C,c cama

23 D,d damas

24 E,e escuela

25 F,f falda

26 G,g gato

27 H,h hamburguesa

28 I,i invierno

29 J,j juguete

30 K,k koala

31 L,l lápiz

32 Ll llaves

33 M,m mariposa

34 N,n nariz

35 Ñ,ñ ñandu

36 O,o ojo

37 P,p pan

38 Q,q queso

39 R,r regalo

40 rr perro

41 S,s sacapuntas

42 T,t teléfono

43 U,u uvas

44 V,v vaso

45 W,w wafle

46 X,x xilófono

47 Y,y yogur

48 Z,z zapato

49 Educator’s Note Although the Real Academia in Madrid, Spain, removed the letters ch, ll, and rr as separate entries in 1994 from the Spanish alphabet, I have included ll and rr in this presentation for their unique sound qualities when pronounced. It should also be noted that in in the Americas many Hispanic countries still recognize rr as a separate letter of the alphabet.

50 The Birthday song in Spanish
Happy Birthday! Cumpleaños feliz!!

51 cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz
Te deseamos todos, cumpleaños feliz

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