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Page 167 Paso a Paso 1 The Verb TENER  The verb TENER, which means “to have” follows the pattern of other -er verbs.

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Presentación del tema: "Page 167 Paso a Paso 1 The Verb TENER  The verb TENER, which means “to have” follows the pattern of other -er verbs."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Page 167 Paso a Paso 1 The Verb TENER

3  The verb TENER, which means “to have” follows the pattern of other -er verbs.

4 The Verb TENER  However, some forms of the verb are irregular.

5 The Verb TENER  You must memorize verbs with irregularities.

6 TENER Yotengo Tútienes Ud. Éltiene Ella Nosotros tenemos Vosotros tenéis Uds. Ellos tienen Ellas

7 Other Uses of TENER  As you know, TENER is sometimes used where in English we use a form of the verb “to be”:

8 Other Uses of TENER  Tener sed (To be thirsty)  Tener hambre (To be hungry)  Tener ____ años (To be ____ years old.)

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