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Possessive adjectives and pronouns. Possessive adjectives show ownership; they have to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify Mi/mis = my.

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Presentación del tema: "Possessive adjectives and pronouns. Possessive adjectives show ownership; they have to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify Mi/mis = my."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Possessive adjectives and pronouns

2 Possessive adjectives show ownership; they have to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify Mi/mis = my Tu / tus = your Su / sus = his / her / your (formal) Nuestro / nuestra / nuestros / nuestras = our Su / sus = their

3 Mi carro = my car Tus gatos = your cats Su libro = his book or her book or your (formal) book Nuestras profesoras = our teachers Sus vasos = their drinking glasses

4 Possessive pronouns are similar to possessive adjectives, but they are normally used with the definite article (“the”) mine el mío / la mía los míos / las mías yours (familiar) el tuyo / la tuya los tuyos / las tuyas yours (formal), his, hers el suyo / la suya los suyos / las suyas ours el nuestro / la nuestra los nuestros / las nuestras xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yours (formal), theirs el suyo / la suya los suyos / las suyas

5 Mi libro es grande. El tuyo es pequeño. Tu carro es verde. El mío es rojo.

6 Try on your own! 1.Your dog 2.My cat 3.Her bookbag 4.Their piñata 5.Our car 6.Your cats 7.Our dogs 8.My books 9.His pens 10.Our family 11. My dog is white; yours is black. 12. Her car is fast; mine isn’t fast. 13. Your homework is difficult; his isn’t difficult.

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