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¿QuiÉn Es Frida Kahlo? Who is Frida Kahlo?.

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Presentación del tema: "¿QuiÉn Es Frida Kahlo? Who is Frida Kahlo?."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 ¿QuiÉn Es Frida Kahlo? Who is Frida Kahlo?

2 Objective: Students will explore the life and art of the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. When completed with the “field trip,” students will demonstrate through written response and class discussion a knowledge and an understanding of Kahlo’s life and art. Students will then demonstrate their abilities of using technology or other media to create a self-portrait (or poem) in the style of Frida Kahlo.

3 “Field Trip” Activity Card #1
List THREE significant events in Kahlo’s life. 2. Explain their significance.

4 Después de mirar el video, lee la biografía.
(After watching the video, read the biography.)

5 El Museo Frida Kahlo – The Blue House CoyoacÁn, MÉxico D.F.
Frida and Diego at the Blue House

6 “Field Trip” Activity Card #2
Visit the Blue House – La Casa Azul (next slide) Whose picture is on the easel in the Estudio? Why is this significant? Look carefully at the first painting of Frida shown in Sala 1. What is its title? (You will be able to answer this when you visit the art sites later in your field trip.) What is the significance of the indigenous art in the Recámara Frida Noche? (You will be able to answer this later in the field trip. )

7 Museo Frida Kahlo – La Casa Azul
La Casa Azul (the blue house) was the place where Frida Kahlo, the most renowned Latin American artist, was born, lived, and died. Enter and check out the museum!

8 “Nothing is worth more than laughter."
– Frida Kahlo Frida and her Art "I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality." – Frida Kahlo

9 “Field Trip” Activity Card #3
View the site Complete Works of Frida (link below) to discover more about Kahlo’s art. Then, answer the questions below. Complete Works of Frida Who is the main subject of Kahlo’s art? What are two themes of Kahlo’s art? To which painting can you most relate? Explain. *Go to page two on this site to find the answer to activity question 4. ** Go to the painting The Two Fridas on this site to answer activity question 5.

10 ¿QuiÉn Es Frida Kahlo? Who is Frida Kahlo?

11 ¿QuiÉn Es Frida Kahlo? 1. ¿Qué enfermedad tenía Kahlo cuando era joven? A. polio B. cáncer C. problemas con el corazón 2. Kahlo estuvo en un accidente entre un tranvía y… A. un carro B. una motocicleta C. un autobús 3. ¿Dónde vio Kahlo a Rivera por primera vez? A. una escuela B. un museo C. un restaurante 4. ¿De cuál partido político era socia? A. democrático B. comunista C. repúblicano 5. ¿Cómo fue su matrimonio con Diego? A. fantástico B. difícil ¿De cuál herencia estaba muy orgullosa? A. húngara B. indígena C. Española 7.¿De qué son la mayoría de sus pinturas? A. retratos B. autorretratos C. animales

12 ¿QuiÉn Es Frida Kahlo? 8. ¿Qué cosa tradicional de su herencia usaba con frecuencia? A. la ropa B. la comida C. la música 9. ¿Qué es el mensaje o el tema de muchas de sus pinturas”? A. amor y felicidad B. dinero y pobreza C. dolor y sufrimiento 10. ¿Coninuó pintando Kahlo cuando estaba enferma? A. sí B. no

13 Resources Paintings/Pictures

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