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Hoy vamos a..... recordar y repasar el vocabulario de la familia

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Presentación del tema: "Hoy vamos a..... recordar y repasar el vocabulario de la familia"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Hoy vamos a..... recordar y repasar el vocabulario de la familia
trabajar bien la memoria escribir frases sobre la familia ©rh09

2 grandad grandma father mother son daughter grandson brother sister
masculino feminino grandad grandma father mother son daughter grandson granddaughter brother sister cousin uncle aunt husband wife abuelo abuela padre madre hijo hija nieto nieta hermano hermana primo prima Use this slide to see how much of the vocabulary students remember from family lesson 1. You may need to give them all the male family members as whole class revision first and then give them a minute in pairs to practise recalling the female family members. Then take all answers away and use the music track to do whole class recall of the language. e.g. Point to the English word and do 1,2,3 then all say it. You can put on the music track to keep them in rhythm and give the activity some speed. tío tía esposo esposa

3 Elena es la hermana de Marco. Marco es el hermano de Elena.
These slides further reinforce the vocabulary but also model full sentences. You will want to be explicit about the fact that this is how to do possession structures in Spanish i.e. What we do in English with an apostrophe. Perhaps have written up a couple of English apostrophe sentences prior to the lesson so that you can draw attention to them as you model and elicit these sentences for describing relationships. Marco es el hermano de Elena.

4 Alicia es la madre de Elena y Marco.
+ Alicia Santi Elena Marco Alicia es la madre de Elena y Marco. Santi es el padre de Elena y Marco. Alicia y Santi son los padres de Elena y Marco. Elena es la hija de Alicia y Santi. Marco es el hijo de Alicia y Santi. Elena y Marco son los hijos de Alicia y Santi. Elena y Marco ____ ____ ______ de Alicia y Santi.

5 la nieta = grand-daughter los nietos = grandchildren
el nieto = grandson la nieta = grand-daughter los nietos = grandchildren + Luisa Miguel + ¿Cuántas frases más puedes escribir en 3 minutos? Isabel Alicia Santi Elena Marco Perhaps use whiteboards for these – in 3 minutes you won’t expect more than 1 or 2 new phrases. Isabel es la tía de Marco Miguel es el abuelo de Elena Luisa es la abuela de Marco

6 + + Miguel María Roberto Luisa + Isabel Alicia Santi Elena Marco

7 ¿Verdad o mentira? Santi es el hermano de Elena
Isabel es la tía de Marco Roberto es el abuelo de María Alicia es la hija de Miguel y Luisa Marco es el hijo de Santi Luisa es la tía de Isabel If you are going to do this activity, the class would need to see the sentences as they look at slide 6. If you are short of time, this is the one activity to leave out this lesson. 7

8 ¿Verdad o mentira? Santi es el hermano de Elena
Isabel es la tía de Marco Roberto es el abuelo de María Alicia es la hija de Miguel y Luisa Marco es el hijo de Santi Luisa es la tía de Isabel M V M V If you are going to do this activity, the class would need to see the sentences as they look at slide 6. If you are short of time, this is the one activity to leave out this lesson. V M

9 a b c d e Elisa Rafael Clara Adrián Daniel Listos 1 p.31
Escucha y lee. ¿Cómo se llaman las personas en el dibujo? Elisa Rafael Clara Adrián Daniel This is just one piece of listening, from which it is possible to identify all the names. They will definitely need to listen more than once. You need to cue them into this activity by explaining that it is one person speaking and describing the rest of his family. Get them to identify that ‘padres’ and ‘hermano/a’ are going to be key words to listen out for and then the names that follow. Listos 1 p.31 a b c d e

10 For the plenary activity, I would suggest going back to slide 1 and recapping the vocabulary again. The main objective of this lesson was to fix these nouns and to begin to use them in writing phrases such as “ is ’s brother’” Perhaps you could get them to produce a few of these sentences at this point too, if there is time.

11 Test de vocabulario 2.3 father mother parents brother sister family
son daughter grandfather grandmother el padre la madre los padres el hermano la hermana la familia el hijo la hija el abuelo la abuela If you want to do a vocabulary test, here is a list of the words that could be in it!

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