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What do these verbs mean?.  The –ar verbs you have learned are called regular verbs because their conjugations all follow a predictable pattern. Some.

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Presentación del tema: "What do these verbs mean?.  The –ar verbs you have learned are called regular verbs because their conjugations all follow a predictable pattern. Some."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 What do these verbs mean?

2  The –ar verbs you have learned are called regular verbs because their conjugations all follow a predictable pattern. Some verbs such as ir (to go) are called irregular, because they don’t follow a clear pattern. Yo voy I go Nosotros(as) vamos We go Tu vas You go Vosotros(as) vais You go Ud., el, ella va You go/ He goes/ She goes Uds., ellos(as) van You go/ They go

3  The verb jugar (to play a sport or game) has regular –ar endings, but the vowel u in the stem changes to ue in all but the nosotros and vosotros forms. Yo juego Nosotros(as) jugamos Tu juegas Vosotros(as) jugais Ud., el, ella juega Uds., ellos, ellas juegan

4  The preposition a is used after ir to mean to. A is also used with jugar with a sport. When a is followed by el, the two words combine to form the contraction al. Use ¿adonde? to ask where to.  ¿Adonde van los domingos?  Where do you go on Sundays?  Vamos al gimnasio. Jugamos al basquetbol.  We go to the gym. We play basketball.

5  1. Yo ___________al ajedrez. (jugar)  2. Nosotros ____________ al cine. (ir)  3. Ellos ____________ al beisbol. (jugar)  4. Tu ____________ al colegio conmigo. (ir)  5. El ________ a los videojuegos. (jugar)  6. Ella _________ al parque porque quiere correr. (ir)

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