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How would you greet a friend at these times?

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Presentación del tema: "How would you greet a friend at these times?"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 How would you greet a friend at these times?

2 lunchtime

3 8:00pm

4 5:00pm

5 10:45am

6 9:00pm

7 You see your friend in the hall on your way to mods 1-2

8 Use different expressions to say good-bye to the following people
Tu mamá Tu mejor amigo Señora Ortiz Un compañero de clase

9 Greet and say good-bye to your partner according to these situations
Greet each other in the afternoon. You will see each other tomorrow. Greet each other in the evening. You don’t expect to see each other anytime soon. Greet each other in the morning. You will see each other later today.

10 Listen and try to answer these 2 questions about each conversation: 1) What time of day is it? 2) Will the speakers see each other again soon? Put an X if there is not enough information to answer. CD 1 pista 18 (Ven Conmigo nivel 1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

11 A friend’s family is moving away to live in Madrid.
Escoge la despedida apropiada para las siguientes situaciones. (Match the appropriate farewell for these situations.) a) Hasta luego. b) Adiós. c) Hasta mañana d)Buenas noches. A friend’s family is moving away to live in Madrid. It is Monday morning and you are leaving home to go to school. You are leaving friends at the end of the school day. It is Saturday night and you are leaving your friends to go home after a football game.

12 ¿Cómo se llama…? Write the answers in Spanish on a blank piece of paper in your binder.
¿Cómo se llama tu profesora de español? ¿Cómo se llama el presidente de los Estados Unidos? ¿Cómo se llama tu mamá? ¿Cómo se llama tu papá? ¿Cómo se llama tu mejor amigo? ¿Cómo se llama el director de la escuela? ¿Cómo te llamas?

13 Cristina Julia Timoteo Elena Esteban Daniel Susana Leonardo
LISTENING: Marta meets many new friends on her 1st day of class. From the list of names below, pick out the 5 people she meets and list them in the order she meets them. CD 1 track 19 Cristina Julia Timoteo Elena Esteban Daniel Susana Leonardo

14 How would you greet these people? Choose either tú or usted.
A friend at school Your sister Your teacher An elderly man you just met Mr. Hughes Your family doctor Your dad

15 ¡Hola! Manuel runs into a lot of people he knows when he walks down the street. Complete each of his greetings. ¡Señor Puentes! ¿Cómo _______ usted? ¡Rico! ¿______ tal? ¡Paquita! ¿ Cómo ________? ¡Doctora Blanco ¿ _______ está usted? ¡Rafael y Pancho! ¿Qué _____?

16 Completa el diálogo Francisco: ¿Cómo (está usted/estás?)
Señor López: Estoy terrible. María: ¿Qué tal, Elena? Elena: (De nada/ Estoy bien, gracias) Gerardo: Muchas gracias. Hombre: (Igualmente./ De nada.)


18 Países Say that a person is from a Spanish-speaking country whose name begins with the same letter as his or her first name. Vicente es de ________________. Patricia es de ________________. Nicolás es de ________________. Mariana es de ________________. Esteban es de ________________.

19 Dialogue Greet each other Ask: What is your name?
Say: Nice to meet you Ask: How are you? Ask: Where are you from? Say: Good-bye

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