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The Perfect Tense. How do you form the perfect? The perfect tense is formed by using the correct form of the helping verb (haber) together with the past.

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Presentación del tema: "The Perfect Tense. How do you form the perfect? The perfect tense is formed by using the correct form of the helping verb (haber) together with the past."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The Perfect Tense

2 How do you form the perfect? The perfect tense is formed by using the correct form of the helping verb (haber) together with the past participle. In English the helping verb is the verb ‘have’ In English the past participle is formed by adding ‘-ed’ to the verb (unless it is an irregular past participle)

3 What is the perfect tense in English? I have played I have seen I have worked We have danced.

4 Haber (the helping verb for this tense) He Hemos Has Habéis Ha Han

5 How to form the past participle: In English, the past participle is formed by adding ‘-ed’ to the verb In Spanish, the past participle is formed by dropping the verb ending (-ar/-er/-ir), and then adding the correct ending: -ar verbs, add ‘-ado’ -er/-ir verbs, add ‘-ido’

6 Examples of past participles in Spanish 1. hablar= hablado (spoken) 2. comer= comido (eaten) 3. vivir= vivido (lived) 4. comprar= comprado (bought) 5. venir=venido (come) 6. jugar= jugado (played)

7 Conjugating the present perfect tense: 1. yo/hablar= yo he hablado (I have spoken) 2. tú/comer= tú has comido (you have eaten) 3. ella/tener= ella ha tenido (she has had) 4. nosotros/mirar= nosotros hemos mirado 5. vosotros/estudiar= vosotros habéis estudiado 6. ellas/perder= ellos han perdido

8 1. I have eaten pizza. = Yo he comido pizza. 2. You have gone to the moon. = Tú has ido a la luna. 3. She has played soccer= Ella ha jugado el fútbol. 4. We have worked hard. =Nosotros hemos trabajado duro. 5. Y’all have studied for the test.= Vosotros habéis estudiado para el examen. 6. They have had many tests. =Ellos han tenido muchos examenes.

9 7. Juanito has lost the game. = Juanito ha perdido el partido. 8. Jason has run to school. =Jason ha corrido a la escuela. 9. We have left for the airport. = Nosotros hemos salido para el aeropuerto. 10. They have had many tests. = Ellos han tenido muchos examenes.

10 Irregular Past Participles RMP EAH VCD VD F

11 Irregular Past Participles R= ROTO (broken) ROMPER E= ESCRITO (written) ESCRIBIR V= VISTO (seen)VER V= VUELTO (returned) VOLVER

12 Irregular Past Participles M= MUERTO (died) MORIR A= ABIERTO (opened) ABRIR C= CUBIERTO (convered) CUBRIR P= PUESTO (put) PONER H= HECHO (done/made) HACER D= DICHO (said)DECIR D= DESCUBIERTO (discovered) DESCUBRIR F= FRITO (fried)FREIR

13 PERFECT PRACTICE 1. I have seen Up. = Yo he visto Up. Hemos hecho la tarea. 2. We have done the homework. = Hemos hecho la tarea. Han escrito un poem. 3. They have written a poem. =Han escrito un poem. Has dicho una mentira. 4. You have told a lie. = Has dicho una mentira.

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