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Presentación del tema: "ACTIVATE YOUR CITIZENSHIP FOR TRANSFORMATION & SERVICE."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Philippians 1:27 腓 立 比 書 Filipenses Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News. 只 要 你 們 行 事 為 人 與 基 督 的 福 音 相 稱 , Pase lo que pase, compórtense de una manera digna del evangelio de Cristo.

3 Philippians 3:20 腓 立 比 書 Filipenses But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Saviour. 我 們 卻 是 天 上 的 國 民 , 並 且 等 候 救 主 , 就 是 主 耶 穌 基 督 從 天 上 降 臨, En cambio, nosotros somos ciudadanos del cielo, de donde anhelamos recibir al Salvador, el Señor Jesucristo.

4 The Privileges of Citizenship

5 Ephesians 2:19 以 弗 所 書 Efesios 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. 19 這 樣 , 你 們 不 再 作 外 人 和 客 旅 , 是 與 聖 徒 同 國 , 是 神 家 裡 的 人 了 ; Por lo tanto, ustedes ya no son extraños ni extranjeros, sino conciudadanos de los *santos y miembros de la familia de Dios,

6 Privileges of Citizenship AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIPHEAVENLY CITIZENSHIP vote in elections & referendums apply for work in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Force seek election to parliament Australian passport & re- enter Australia freely receive help from an Australian official while overseas register children born overseas as Australian citizens by descent.

7 Privileges of Citizenship AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSCITIZENS of HEAVEN (short list) in elections & referendums 2.apply for work in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Force election to parliament 4.Australian passport & re- enter Australia freely 5.receive help from an Australian official while overseas 6.register children born overseas as Australian citizens by descent. 1.Covenant Relationship with the King of kings: Jesus Christ 2.The forgiveness of sins 3.Spiritual Re-birth 4.Resurrection from death 5.Eternal life (Entry to heaven) 6.New glorified body 7.Son & daughter of the King 8.All God’s promises 9.Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms 10.Blessings of Abraham: Divine relationship, Land, Children, 11.Healing & deliverance 12.New life in Jesus Christ 13.The Power by the Holy Spirit 14.Righteous, peace, joy in the Spirit 15.Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophecy, Wisdom, signs & wonders

8 1. Citizens of Heaven: NEW RELATIONSHIP & IDENTITY

9 2 Corinthians 5:17 歌 林 多 後 書 Corintios “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 17 若 有 人 在 基 督 裡 , 他 就 是 新 造 的 人 , 舊 事 已 過 , 都 變 成 新 的 了 。 17 Por lo tanto, si alguno está en Cristo, es una nueva creación. ¡Lo viejo ha pasado, ha llegado ya lo nuevo!


11 2. Citizens of Heaven: are PEOPLE OF FAITH

12 Matthew 21:22 馬 太 福 音 Mateo And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” 你 們 禱 告 , 無 論 求 甚 麼 , 只 要 信 , 就 必 得 著 Si ustedes creen, recibirán todo lo que pidan en oración

13 3. Citizens of heaven: have the HOPE of glory

14 Ephesians 1:13-14 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the down payment (guarantee) of our inheritance until God redeems his possession, to the praise of his glory. 你 們 既 聽 見 真 理 的 道 , 就 是 那 叫 你 們 得 救 的 福 音 , 也 信 了 基 督 , 既 然 信 他 , 就 受 了 所 應 許 的 聖 靈 為 印 記 。 14 這 聖 靈 是 我 們 得 基 業 的 憑 據 ( 原 文 作 : 質 ) , 直 等 到 神 之 民 ( 原 文 作 : 產 業 ) 被 贖 , 使 他 的 榮 耀 得 著 稱 讚 En él también ustedes, cuando oyeron el mensaje de la verdad, el *evangelio que les trajo la salvación, y lo creyeron, fueron marcados con el sello que es el Espíritu Santo prometido. 14 Éste garantiza nuestra herencia hasta que llegue la redención final del pueblo adquirido por Dios, para alabanza de su gloria.

15 Ephesians 4:30 以 弗 所 書 Efisios And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 不 要 叫 神 的 聖 靈 擔 憂 ; 你 們 原 是 受 了 他 的 印 記 , 等 候 得 贖 的 日 子 來 到 。 No agravien al Espíritu Santo de Dios, con el cual fueron sellados para el día de la redención.

16 Philippians 3:21 腓 立 比 書 Filipenses He will take our weak mortal bodies and transform them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control. 21 他 要 按 著 那 能 叫 萬 有 歸 服 自 己 的 大 能 , 將 我 們 這 卑 賤 的 身 體 改 變 形 狀 , 和 他 自 己 榮 耀 的 身 體 相 似 21 Él transformará nuestro cuerpo miserable para que sea como su cuerpo glorioso, mediante el poder con que somete a sí mismo todas las cosas.

17 How do I become a Citizen of Heaven?

18 ACTS 22:28 But I was actually born a citizen -The commander came and said to him, "Tell me, are you a Roman?" And he said, "Yes." The commander answered, "I acquired this citizenship with a large sum of money." And Paul said, " But I was actually born a citizen." 千 夫 長 說 : 我 用 許 多 銀 子 才 入 了 羅 馬 的 民 籍 。 保 羅 說 : 我 生 來 就 是 —Pues yo la tengo de nacimiento —replicó Pablo.

19 How do I become a Citizen of heaven? 1.You must be Born Again (of the Spirit) 2.In covenant relationship with Christ


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