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El Pretérito. ¿Cuándo usamos el pretérito? Usually preterit situations have something to do with completed actions that can be placed at a specific point.

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Presentación del tema: "El Pretérito. ¿Cuándo usamos el pretérito? Usually preterit situations have something to do with completed actions that can be placed at a specific point."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Pretérito

2 ¿Cuándo usamos el pretérito? Usually preterit situations have something to do with completed actions that can be placed at a specific point in time. The preterit tends to “freeze” an action or state in past time or to view it as over and done with.

3 Pretérito

4 Las Formas AR Hablar: ER/IR yo hablénosotros hablamos tú hablastevosotros hablasteis él/ella/ud. hablóellos/ellas/uds. hablaron  Correr yo corrínosotros corrimos tú corristevosotros corristeis él/ella/ud. corrióellos/ellas/uds. corrieron yo asistínosotros asistimos tú asististevosotros asististeis él/ella/ud. asistióellos/ellas/uds. asistieron  Asistir

5 SAFE Specific instance or number of instances – Le llamó tres veces. El me llamó ayer – He called him three times. He called me yesterday. Action that interrupts ongoing events – Ella llamó mientras yo trabajaba. – She called while I was working. Focus on beginning or ending of action – Llovió a las seis y media en punto. – It rained at exactly 6:30. Enclosed amount of time (line segment) – Los árabes controlaron mucho de España por más que 700 años. – The Arabs controlled much of Spain for over 700 years.

6 Indicadores anoche – last night ayer – yesterday el lunes pasado– last Monday el mes pasado – last month el año pasado – last year la semana pasado – last week de repente – suddenly esta mañana (at end of a sentence) – this morning esta tarde (at end of a sentence) – this afternoon a tiempo (at end of a sentence) – on time de nuevo (at end of a sentence) – again por fin (at end of a sentence) – finally una vez (at end of a sentence) – one time / once por primera vez – for the 1 st time

7 Pruebita 1.What is the acronym for the uses of the preterit? 2.What letters in the acronym would you apply to each of the following situations? 1.One time my friend gave me a dollar. 2.At 3 we started practice 3.All last week I ate only green things. 4.I was going to the theater when I got buzzed by a car.

8 Irregulares de Raíz Irregular stems> these verbs have irregular stems and all follow the same irregular endings (upper right corner): “U” stem verbs: tener-tuv___, andar-anduv___, estar- estuv___, poder-pud___, poner-pus___, saber-sup___ Hacer and Venir: have an irregular “I” in their stems: hacer-hic___, venir-vin___ *Decir and *Traer have an irregular “j” in their stem: decir-dij___, traer-traj___ *(only different ending from other irregular stem verbs is the ellos/ellas/uds. Ending: -eron) -e-imos -iste-isteis -o-ieron

9 “uir” verbs Verbs ending in –uir such as destruir; have a spelling change in the preterite. The I becomes a y in the el/ella/ud. forms and the ellos ellas uds. Forms Other verbs with double vowels such as leer, creer, oír, and caer(se), follow a similar pattern Destruir-to destroyLeer-to read Yo destruíNosotros destruimosYo leíNosotros leímos Tú destruisteVosotros destruisteisTú leísteVosotros leísteis Él/Ella/Ud. destruyóEllos/Ellas/Uds. destruyeron Él/Ella/Ud. leyóEllos/Ellas/Uds. leyeron

10 Verbos Car Gar Zar The verbs ending in “-car” “-gar” “-zar” all have irregular yo forms in the preterit Car changes to qué Gar changes to gué Zar changes to cé – Ej: yo practiqué – Ej: yo jugué – Ej: yo almorcé

11 Irregulares Dar and Ver take all regular “er/ir” endings but neither have accents in any form Ir and Ser are our “FU” verbs because all of their forms have the letters f and u in them. Dar – to giveIr/Ser – to go/to be DiDimosFuiFuimos DisteDisteisFuisteFuisteis diodieronfueFueron

12 Verbos de cambio de raíz Only –IR stem-changing verbs from the present tense stem change in the preterit (pedir, sentir, servir, divertirse, preferir, sugerir, vestirse, dormir, morir) They only change e-i and o-u and they only change in the bottom of the boot (él/ella/ud. ellos/ellas/uds.)

13 Ejemplos Dormir-to sleep Yo dormíNosotros dormimos Tú dormisteVosotros dormisteis Él/Ella/Ud. durmió Ellos/Ellas/Ud s. durmieron Pedir-to ask forPreferir-to prefer Yo pedíNosotros PedimosYo preferíNosotros preferimos Tú pedisteVosotros PedisteisTú preferisteVosotros preferisteis Él/Ella/Ud. PidióEllos/Ellas/uds. Pidieron Él/Ella/Ud. prefirióEllos/Ellas/uds. prefirieron

14 El “Checklist” de las formas AR: yo –é, tú -aste, él/ella/ud. –ó, nosotros –amos, vosotros –asteis, ellos/ellas/uds. –aron ER/IR: yo –í, tú -iste, él/ella/ud. -ió, nosotros –imos, vosotros –isteis, ellos/ellas/uds. –ieron Stem-changers: -IR, e-i or o-u, bottom of the boot Reflexives: same as any tense! Irregulars: – Decir and Traer “J” no “i” in uds. – Tener and Hacer “tuv” and “hic” except ud.—“hiz” – Dar and Ver—”-ir” endings no accents – Ir—”fu-” no “i” in uds. -e-imos -iste -o-ieron

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