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La Capital de España 1561 Felipe II Presentación Jeanine Carr.

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2 La Capital de España 1561 Felipe II Presentación Jeanine Carr

3 La Puerta del Sol Es el centro geográfico de España Es la Plaza más grande de Madrid Donde se celebra la Noche Vieja, el 31 de diciembre en frente del reloj de la Torre del Ministerio Comen 12 uvas y beben champán a la medianoche

4 El centro geográfico de España Para situarnos nos ponemos en el Km. "cero", o sea el centro de, donde empiezan todas las carreteras nacionales, pues aunque el centro se ubica en el Cerro de los Angeles, que también esta en nuestra comunidad, el Km. "0" es más conocido y visitado, por ser el punto desde donde se miden todas las distancias a cualquier parte que queramos viajar.

5 El Oso al Madroño

6 Zona pedestre El Palacio Real

7 Los cafés de tapas

8 La Plaza de Colón El Monumento de Colón

9 MADRID. Madrid was made capital of Spain by Felipe II in 1561. It is the highest capital in Europe. It is a beautiful city that has been restored after the Civil War of 1936-39. Unlike most Spanish important ciudades, la ciudad de Madrid does not have una catedral gótica importante. La Catedral de la Almudena was built in a later century next to the Palacio Real. La boda de los Principes de Asturias, Felipe de Borbón y Letizia Ortiz, tuvo lugar en esta catedral el 22 de mayo 2004. Madrid, however has numerous churches. La Plaza Mayor was the center of activity for many centuries. Built in a square surrounded by building with arches. It can be accessed through some of the corner arches. It is a pedestrian area with sidewalk cafés and tapa (hors d’oeuvre ready dish) bars. El Palacio Real (The Royal Palace), built by the Bourbons from France, is one of the largest one in Europe, with beautiful gardens. El Retiro is a beautiful park (parque) with a Presidio hemicycle gallery and a Crystal Palace. El Prado is a great European museo showing not only Spanish painters like El Greco, Velázquez and Goya, but also many Italian and Dutch masters. El Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, exhibits mainly modern artists: Picasso, Miró, Dali, etc. El Museo Thyssen Bornemisza, private museum.

10 Many nightclubs are open most of the night. Flamenco is performed every night. Restaurants abound with seafood and meaty platters. Dinner is normally served at 10 p.m. to the locals. Hungry American tourists try earlier seating whenever possible. La Puerta del Sol is the geographical center of Spain. It is Madrid largest square. On New Year’s eve, los Madrileños gather in front of the Bell Tower of the Ministry to eat 12 grapes (doce uvas), one for each stroke at midnight. They also drink champagne. There is also a statue of a bear at a lemon tree, (el Oso al Madroño). Madrid also boasts magnificent fountains like La Fuente de Cibeles, with Cibeles’ chariot drawn by two lions. It also has beautiful gates known as Puertas like La Puerta de Alcala. La Plaza de Colón has the statue of Cristobal Colón and also is called Discovery Square. La Plaza de España has the statue of Cervantes, with both statues of Don Quixote on Rocinante and Sancho Panza on his burro. Las Ventas is Madrid’s famous bullring.

11 Debajo de la Plaza de Colón Los Viajes del Descubrador el 12 de octubre 1492

12 La Galería debajo de la Plaza de Colón

13 Con la estatua de En frente, las estatuas de los héroes de la novela de Cervantes: Don Quijote y Sancho Panza Felipe II

14 El Escorial En las afueras de Madrid El Palacio de Felipe II El Monasterio La Biblioteca Nacional La Iglesia de San Lorenzo

15 EL ESCORIAL Built by King Felipe II to celebrate his victory against the French at the Battle of Saint Quentin. It is a Monastery, Palace, Church, Library. It is austere as a monastery. It is also the royal Palace of the King. The massif square construction contains also the Church of San Lorenzo and the magnificent royal library. Great art collections embellish the galleries and turn the Escorial into a worthwhile museum. It also houses the Pantheon, royal burial place. It is located some 30 mi. from Madrid.

16 SPANISH ARMADA. Reasons for Felipe II to go after England 1- to convert England to Catholicism 2- to destroy England’s fleet and prevent the British from interfering in the New World and the Atlantic Ocean. A- Spanish Armada planned to sail up the English Channel to meet with the Army of the Duke of Parma of the Netherlands. B- First, encountered the British fleet and is unable to reach help from the Netherlands. C- Defeated by the British fleet. They had more maneuverable boats equipped with long range cannons. Lost was the chance for the Spaniards to storm and attack the British boats. D- Retreated through the North shore of Scotland, and got caught in a hurricane strength storm and were blown onto the shores of Ireland. E- Spain was badly defeated, lost its naval supremacy. England now could rise to power, unchallenged. England remained faithful to the Anglican Church

17 The Gran Via is a major thoroughfare in Madrid, Spain. Cinemas, tourist shops, and fast- food restaurants line the street, which passes through Madrid’s show business areaPhoto Researchers, Inc./David Frazier

18 Los Reyes de España Juán Carlos de Borbón y Sof í a de Grecia

19 El Palacio Real de los Reyes de Borbón Fachada Sur

20 LA REINA Y EL PRÍNCIPE A LA ESPERA DE DOÑA LETIZIA A las 10,45, tal y como estaba previsto, el Cortejo Nupcial ha salido del Palacio Real por la Puerta del Rey para recorrer la Plaza de la Armería hasta la entrada principal de la Catedral de La Almudena. El Príncipe Felipe, muy sonriente con su uniforme de gran gala del Ejército de Tierra, salió del Palacio Real acompañado por su madre, la reina Sofía, con una clásica mantilla negra y con un elegantísimo vestido largo de Margarita Nuez.

21 El Palacio Real de los Reyes de Borbón Fachada Norte

22 Magno escenario para un banquete de boda histórico de Felipe y Letizia Escenario elegido para las celebraciones de la gran boda real, en el que los anfitriones recibirán a sus invitados y recorrerán los salones principales El Palacio Real

23 UN BRINDIS POR LOS RECIÉN CASADOS El rey don Juan Carlos puso fin al banquete nupcial de la boda de los Príncipes de Asturias con un brindis en agradecimiento a todos sus invitados y por la felicidad de don Felipe y doña Letizia

24 El Palacio del Oriente El General Franco habló a la gente por esta fachada Es la fachada este del Palacio Real en la Plaza del Oriente

25 Don Felipe y doña Letizia salieron a la tribuna de la plaza de Oriente para saludar a sus conciudadanos desde el balcón principal del Palacio Real, desde donde Franco se dirigía a los españoles. Esta ha sido la despedida formal de los Príncipes de Asturias. SALUDO HISTÓRICO DESDE EL BALCÓN DEL PALACIO REAL

26 La catedral de la Almudena, testigo del 'sí quiero' de don Felipe y doña Letizia el 22 de mayo 2004 Consagrada el 15 de junio de 1993 por Juan Pablo II, la Almudena, es, a la vez que la única catedral española que ha consagrado un Papa —y la primera que un sucesor de Pedro consagra fuera de Roma. La Catedral de la Almudena

27 DON FELIPE Y DOÑA LETIZIA YA SON MARIDO Y MUJER Poco después de que el rey don Juan Carlos diera el consentimiento a su hijo, el príncipe Felipe, para casarse, los novios pronunciaron el 'sí quiero' en la catedral de La Almudena ante el cardenal Rouco Varela. La pareja unió sus manos, se miró a los ojos con profundidad y se juró amor eterno Día 22-05-2004


29 BODA REAL DE LOS PRÍNCIPES DE ASTURIAS Seis meses y medio después de anunciar su compromiso matrimonial, don Felipe y doña Letizia han contraído matrimonio en la Catedral de la Almudena. Una boda que pasará a la historia de las monarquías europeas. Día 22-05-2004

30 La Zarzuela – Residencia privada de los Reyes En los suburbios de Madrid


32 La Fuente de Cibeles


34 Atocha - La Estación de Ferrocarril Cerca del terrorismo del 11 de marzo 2004

35 Doña Letizia Ortiz ofrece su ramo a Virgen de Atocha Los recién casados han llegado a la Basílica de Atocha donde doña Letizia ha ofrecido su ramo de novia a la Virgen de Atocha, la patrona, no declarada, de la Corte La basílica de Nuestra Señora de Atocha

36 Los Museos de Madrid

37 El Prado Arte Clásico La fachada principal en el Paseo del Prado La estatua de Velázquez

38 Madrid, Museo Thyssen- Bornemisza Colección privada de los Barones Thyssen-Bornemisza

39 El Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Arte Moderno Dos ascensores exteriorestransparentes

40 El Parque del Retiro

41 El Palacio de Cristal En el Parque del Retiro

42 Las Ventas La Plaza de Toros de Madrid

43 Origins and History of Bullfight Bullfighting is certainly one of the best known, although at the same time most polemical Spanish popular customs. This Fiesta could not exist without the Toro Bravo, a species of bull of an archaical race that is only conserved in Spain. Formerly this bull's forebears, the primitive urus, were spread out over wide parts of the world. Many civilizations revered to them, the bull-cultus at the Greek island Creta is quite well-known. The Bible reports on sacrifices of bulls in honour to the divine justice. Also in the religious ceremonies of Iberian tribes living in Spain in prehistorical times bulls played an important part. The origins of the Plaza, bullring, probably are not the Roman amphitheaters but the Celt-Iberian temples where those ceremonies were held. In the province of Soria, close to Numancia, one of them is conserved and it is supposed that there bulls were sacrificed to the Gods. While the religious cultus to the bull goes back to Iberians, it were the Greek and Roman influences that converted it into a spectacle. During the middle-ages it was a diversion for the aristocracy to torear on horse's back. That was called suerte de cañas. In 18th century this tradition was more or less abandoned and the poorer population invented the bullfight by foot. Francisco Romero was a key-figure in laying the rules for that new sport. For its fans La Corrida is of course rather an art than a sport, not to speak about the challenge of the man fighting against the beast. It is an archaic tradition that has survived in this country, just as the Toro Bravo has done. CORRIDA DE TOROS

44 What a Corrida is about If you are not familiar to Corridas, you will find here listed chronologically everything that happens. So you may decide by yourself if you want to see one when you are visiting Spain. A Corrida starts with the paseillo, with everybody involved in the bullfight entering the ring and presenting himself to the public.The toreros wears el traje de luces, the suit of lights. Two Alguacilillos, on horse's back, direct themselves to the presidency and symbolically ask for the keys to the "puerta de los toriles". Behind that door there are the bulls. With the door being opened and the first bull entering the ring the spectacle starts. It consists of three parts, called tercios, being separated by horn-signals. There are three matadores in each Corrida, by the way, and each will have to torear two bulls. In the first tercio the bullfighter uses the capote, a quite large cape of purple and yellow color. Now enter two picadores, on horse's back and armed with a sort of lance. The second part is la suerte de banderillas. Three banderilleros have to stick a pair of banderillas into the attacking bull's back. In the final "suerte suprema" the bullfighter uses the muleta, a small red rag. He has to show his faena, his masterity to dominate the bull, and to establish an artistical symbiosis between man and beast. The Corrida ends with the matador killing the bull by his sword, “la hora de la verdad”, the moment of truth.

45 12 grupos en total ( 12 tunas, ): Los grupos de Tunas de Madrid Tuna de Arquitectura Técnica de Madrid Tuna de Informática de Madrid Tuna de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos de Madrid Tuna de Ingenieros de Caminos,Canales y Puertos de Madrid Tuna de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid Tuna de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de Madrid

46 Tuna de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid Tuna de Ingenieros Navales de Madrid Tuna de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Madrid Tuna de Montes de Madrid Tuna de Obras Públicas de Madrid Tuna de Topografía de Madrid

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