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La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

 Translate the following: 1.Yes, I look for (I’m looking for) calculus class. 2.Mrs. Rice is the tallest (more tall) employee here. 3.Josefina needs to.

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Presentación del tema: " Translate the following: 1.Yes, I look for (I’m looking for) calculus class. 2.Mrs. Rice is the tallest (more tall) employee here. 3.Josefina needs to."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1  Translate the following: 1.Yes, I look for (I’m looking for) calculus class. 2.Mrs. Rice is the tallest (more tall) employee here. 3.Josefina needs to work more in the store. She is lazy. 4.She pays for (por) the Spanish book. 5.I want to buy the red calculator 6.I would like to look at $100. 7.I ride (MONTAR) gray horses, not black horses. 8.***What would you all like?

2  Discuss Projects para Bellwork…Projects  En una hoja de papel (en tus “APUNTES” sección), escriba EL TRABAJO DEL SEGUNDO 9 SEMANAS (someone can translate este frase para dulces).

3  I can say at least 10 words related to school activities.  I can talk about going to school.  I can describe where I go and where others go.

4  Los resultados  Common Errors …

5  Cada uno necesita una hoja de papel! ◦ Escriba “UNIDAD 5”!

6  El juramento (Oath) – ◦ Levántense la mano derecha  Yo entiendo…  that these palabras yo escribo  will be on the next Unit Exam …  it will benefit me …  to learn the pronunciations y spellings …  Tan pronto como posible.  It will be no sorpresa …  when I see these palabras …  Many times  the next few semanas.  If soy inteligente…  I will take them to mi casa…  And review!

7  Everyone has 1-2 palabras en el pupitre.  Vamos a escribir las palabras. ◦ ¡Hay aproximadamente 45!

8  llegar - to arrive  ir a pie - to go on foot  caminar – to walk  en el bus escolar – on/by school bus

9  en carro, en coche – in/by car  entrar en la escuela - to go into/enter school  la sala de clase / el salón de clase - classroom

10  la pizarra / el pizarrón - blackboard  estar – to be  estar en clase - to be in class  estudiar - to study

11  enseñar - to show, to teach  mirar - to look (at)  escuchar - to listen (to)  prestar atención - to pay attention

12  tomar apuntes - to take notes  dar un examen - to give a test

13  sacar notas buenas (altas) - to get good grades  sacar notas malas (bajas) - to get bad grades

14  el Club de español - Spanish Club  el miembro - member  la fiesta - party

15  la música - music  un CD – CD  el mp3 – mp3  la merienda/el tentempié - snack

16  bailar - to dance  cantar - to sing  preparar - to prepare  dar una fiesta - to give (throw) a party

17  dar – to give  ¿a qué hora? - at what time? (Asking time of an event, not the current time)  ¿cuándo? - when?

18  ¿adónde? – To where? (When person/object is going somewhere)  como a – at about / a eso de - at about

19  en punto - on the dot, sharp  otro(a) – other / another  otros(as) – other  varios(as) – several, various

20  algunos(as) – some / any  también – also  pero - but

21  a – to/toward  temprano – early  tarde – late  a tiempo – on time

22  en un rato / al rato – in a while  a ratos – from time to time / now and again  ahora – now  ahorita – right now / just now

23  ir – to go  Es a la(s) … = It’s at … o’clock.  millón/millones – Million millón/millones – Million

24  Ejemplos…

25  PARA DULCES: ◦ (At) what time is the funeral? ◦ The funeral is at 12:30. ◦ The funeral is at 1:00.

26 1. What time is it? 2. It’s 3:21. 3. What time is the race? 4. The race is at 4:30.

Descargar ppt " Translate the following: 1.Yes, I look for (I’m looking for) calculus class. 2.Mrs. Rice is the tallest (more tall) employee here. 3.Josefina needs to."

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