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14 Possible Subjects Spanish One ch.1B. The subject pronouns are: YoNosotros Nosotras TúTú Él Ella Usted Ellos Ellas Ustedes 1 2 3 4 5.

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Presentación del tema: "14 Possible Subjects Spanish One ch.1B. The subject pronouns are: YoNosotros Nosotras TúTú Él Ella Usted Ellos Ellas Ustedes 1 2 3 4 5."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 14 Possible Subjects Spanish One ch.1B

2 The subject pronouns are: YoNosotros Nosotras TúTú Él Ella Usted Ellos Ellas Ustedes 1 2 3 4 5

3 The subject pronouns are: IWe (m/mg) We (f) You (fam) He She You (formal) They (m/mg) They (f) You (all) 1 2 3 4 5

4 Four Other Possible Subjuects -compound subject with yo -singular noun -plural noun -comp. subj w/o yo 5 4 3

5 The 14 possible subjects are: YoNosotros Nosotras (cs w/ yo) TúTú Él Ella Usted (sing. noun) Ellos Ellas Ustedes (plural noun) (cs w/o yo) 1 2 3 4 5

6 A singular noun could be just one thing or a persons name. ie...el libro ie...Juan A plural noun is something plural. ie...los librosie...las clases

7 A compound subject w/ yo is two or more people or things being used as a subject and are connected with y. ie...Paco y yo A compound subject w/o yo is two or more people or things being used as a subject and are connected with y. ie...Paco y Marta

8 Subjects are placed in front of the conjugated verb to clarify who or what is doing the action of the verb in a sentence. ie…Yo soy ordenado.

9 Subjects are placed after the conjugated verb to clarify who or what is doing the action of the verb in a question. ie…¿Cómo eres tú?

10 Subject pronouns are not always needed (in Spanish) because the conjugation of the verb implies who or what is doing the action of the verb. ie…Yo soy serio. ie…Soy serio.

11 Practice 1. 1.Yo _______ ordenado. 2. 2. ¿Cómo _______ tú? 3. 3. Paco ____ muy inteligente. 4. 4. Ella _____ bastante graciosa. 5. 5. Paco y yo _________ deportistas. 6. 6. La familia ______ muy unida. soy eres es es somos es

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