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El Participio Presente

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Presentación del tema: "El Participio Presente"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Participio Presente
Formation and Uses of the Present Participle

2 What is progressive construction?
Progressive construction is used to emphasize an action that is ongoing. For example: What are you doing? Who are you talking to?

3 Formation of the present participle
The present participle of regular ar, er and ir verbs are formed as seen below: AR Verbs: drop the AR and add ANDO hablar – ar , habl+ando = hablando ER Verbs: drop the ER and add IENDO comer – er, com+iendo = comiendo IR Verbs: drop the IR and add IENDO escribir – ir , escrib+iendo= escribiendo

4 Present Participle Examples
What are the present participles for the following verbs: Saltar Llamar Saltando Llamando Correr Comer Corriendo Comiendo Vivir Viviendo

5 Using Regular Present Participles
Present participles are always preceded by a present tense form of ESTAR as seen below: I can’t go out, I’m studying. No puedo salir, estoy estudiando. What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo?

6 Irregular present participles
1. Stem changing verbs that end in AR or ER do not have stem changes in the present participles: Pensar - pensando Contar – contando Jugar – jugando Querer – queriendo Volver - volviendo

7 Irregular present participles
2. Stem changing verbs that end in IR have the following stem changes in the present participle: Sentir – sintiendo Pedir – pidiendo Dormir – durmiendo

8 Irregular present participles
The irregular verbs seen below are exceptions that do not follow any patterns: Venir – viniendo Poder – pudiendo Ir – yendo Oír – oyendo Traer – trayendo Leer – leyendo Construir - constuyendo

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