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Learning Objectives: In SPANISH I will: 1. Know the names of some occupations 2. Say the sentence “I want to be a…”. 3. Give reasons for your interest.

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3 Learning Objectives: In SPANISH I will: 1. Know the names of some occupations 2. Say the sentence “I want to be a…”. 3. Give reasons for your interest in a job. Based on a resource written by Kata88 on

4 ¿Cuál es tu trabajo ideal? What is the ideal work for you? Forma masculina Forma femenina

5 bombero bombera enfermeroenfermera Quiero ser:

6 In English you put an indefinite article “a” or “an” e.g. I want to be a fireman. Or My mother is a nurse. But in Spanish normally you don’t. For example: Quiero ser bombero. Quiero ser enfermero. Mi madre es enfermera. Quiero ser – I want to be… Language Knowledge

7 camarero camarera profesorprofesora Quiero ser:

8 cocinero cocinera pilotopilota Quiero ser:

9 carnicerocarnicera abogadoabogada Quiero ser:

10 farmacéutico farmacéutica Quiero ser: mecánico mecánica

11 médico médica dentista Quiero ser:

12 periodista veterinarioveterinaria BBC Quiero ser:

13 policía soldadosoldada Quiero ser:

14 electricista peluqueropeluquera Quiero ser: LK: No, that’s not a mistake. Jobs ending with “ista” don’t change for gender. It’s –ista for masc. and fem.

15 carpinterocarpintera contable Quiero ser:

16 hombre de negocios mujer de negocios Quiero ser:

17 ¿Por qué quieres ser…………..? Porque : MATCH 1.Es muy fácil. 2.Está bien pagado. 3.Es muy agradable. 4.Hay horario flexible. 5.Me gusta trabajar al aire libre. 6.Me permite ayudar a otras personas. 7.Puedo trabajar a tiempo parcial. 8.Me gusta mucho trabajar en equipo. 9.Me permite hablar idiomas. Because: a.It’s very pleasant. b.It lets me speak languages. c.I can work part time. d.I can help others. e.I like working outside. f.It’s very easy. g.I really like working in a team. h.It is well paid. i.The working hours are flexible.

18 Learning Objectives: In SPANISH can you: 1. Say the names of some occupations 2. Say the sentence “I want to be a…”. 3. Give reasons for your interest in a job.

19 Next steps: 1. Find out the Spanish words for a few other types of work that interest you. 2. Write and record a sentence about a career that interests you and why, using the reasons in the matching exercise.

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