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Chp 7B: el pretérito Escribe Rápido. Round One:  You will hear and see a subject and past tense verb in English  Write the correct expression in SPANISH.

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Presentación del tema: "Chp 7B: el pretérito Escribe Rápido. Round One:  You will hear and see a subject and past tense verb in English  Write the correct expression in SPANISH."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Chp 7B: el pretérito Escribe Rápido

2 Round One:  You will hear and see a subject and past tense verb in English  Write the correct expression in SPANISH (including the subject!)  If it’s a multiple word phrase, you DO need to include all words 1 point Each

3 Round 1: Ejemplo  María bought  María compró  Ella compró

4 Round 1: 1. We helped (ayudar) 2. They cooked 3. I drew 4. You cut 5. They taught (enseñar) Nosotros ayudamos Ellos cocinaron Yo dibujé Tú cortaste Ellas enseñaron

5 Round Two:  You will hear and see a subject and a more complex past tense verb in English  Write the correct expression in SPANISH (including the subject!)  If it’s a multiple word phrase, you DO need to include all words 1 point Each

6 Round 2: Ejemplo  María bought a bracelet.  María compró una pulsera.

7 Round 2: 6. My friend and I danced yesterday. 7. They played basketball last week. 8. You cleaned the bathroom last night. Mi amigo y yo/nosotros bailamos ayer. Ellos jugaron al básquetbol la semana pasada. Tú limpiaste el baño anoche.

8 Round Three:  You will hear and see a subject and an even more complex past tense verb in English  Write the correct expression in SPANISH (including the subject!)  If it’s a multiple word phrase, you DO need to include all words 1 point Each

9 Round 3: Ejemplo  María bought a bracelet for her mom at the mall.  María compró una pulsera para su mamá en el centro comercial

10 Round 3: 9. He bought CHEAP earrings in the jewelry store for his girlfriend. Él compró aretes BARATAS en la joyería para su novia.

11 Round 3: 10. My dad paid the salesman for the EXPENSIVE shoes. Mi papá pagó el dependiente para las zapatos CARAS

12 Round 3: 11. The children took out the trash for their (sus) parents last Thursday. Los hijos sacaron la basura para sus padres el jueves pasado. Crédito Extra!

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