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Realidades 1: Chapter 2A Subject Pronouns. Subject…....who or what does the ___________. ACTION.

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Presentación del tema: "Realidades 1: Chapter 2A Subject Pronouns. Subject…....who or what does the ___________. ACTION."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Realidades 1: Chapter 2A Subject Pronouns

2 Subject…....who or what does the ___________. ACTION

3 The pronoun......takes the place of a ___________. NOUN

4 First Person/Singular….. I

5 Second Person/Singular….. you

6 Third Person/Singular….. he she it

7 First Person/Plural….. we

8 Second Person/Plural….. you all (ya’ll)

9 Third Person/Plural….. them or they

10 la caja importante Rows = “person” Columns = singular/plural singularplural 1st 2nd 3rd

11 Comparamos inglésespañol

12 En inglés... I he, she, it you them you all (ya’ll) we 1st 3rd 2nd singular plural

13 En español... 1st 2nd 3rd singular plural yo él, ella, usted tú vosotros vosotras nosotros nosotras ellos, ellas, ustedes

14 Formal vs. Informal???? vosotros vs. ustedes Vosotros is only used in _______________. Everywhere else uses _________________. Spain ustedes

15 tú vs. usted They both mean _________________. Tú is _________________________. Usted/ustedes is ____________________. Vosotros is the plural of _____________. you informal/familiar formal tú

16 Práctica - Would you use tú or usted to address these people?

17 Formal vs. Informal

18 Formal vs. Informal - YOU ●YOU (informal/familiar) = tú/ vosotros ○friends ○siblings ○someone your age

19 Formal vs. Informal - YOU ●YOU (formal) = usted/ustedes ○adults ○grandparents ○teachers ○people of authority ○someone you do not know

20 formal vs. informal = you formal informal usted ustedes túvosotros

21 Formal vs. Informal???? tú vs. usted

22 Formal vs. Informal???? vosotros vs. ustedes Vosotros is only used in _______________. Everywhere else uses _________________. Spain ustedes

23 When in doubt use the _________ form. Formal vs. Informal???? formal

24 Gender

25 Plurals w/gender - WE mixed gender = M all females = F all males = M NOSOTROS NOSOTRAS

26 Plurals w/gender - YOU ALL all males = M all females = F mixed gender = M VOSOTROS VOSOTRASVOSOTROS

27 Plurals w/gender - THEY all males = M all females = F mixed gender = M ELLOSELLASELLOS

28 When in doubt the _________ form takes over. Masculine vs. Feminine???? masculine

29 Práctica de gender ●yo, Marta y Jorge ____________ ●Josefina y María ____________ ●Los chicos y las chicas ____________ ●yo(f) y Ana ____________ ●Ana María, Luz y Juan ____________ nosotros ellas ellos nosotras ellos

30 Práctica - What pronoun would you use to talk about the following people? 1.Carlos ______________ 2.Felipe y yo ______________ 3.Tú y Marta (everywhere else) ______________ 4.María y Sarita ______________ 5.el señor Treviño ______________ 6.Tú y Esteban (in Spain) ______________ 7.Pablo, Tomás, y Anita ______________ 8.José y yo ______________ él nosotros ellas vosotros nosotros ustedes él ellos

31 Juego

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