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Q UASIMODO : Check your homework answers with your 12 o’clock partners quickly.

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Presentación del tema: "Q UASIMODO : Check your homework answers with your 12 o’clock partners quickly."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Q UASIMODO : Check your homework answers with your 12 o’clock partners quickly



4 A. R EGULAR P RETERITE VERBS : 1. I talked yesterday. Yo hablé ayer. 2. They ate last night. Ellos comieron anoche. 3. We ran last week. Nosotros corrimos la semana pasada. 4. He bought the bananas. Él compró las bananas. 5. You (s. inf.) learned a lot last year. Tú aprendiste mucho el año pasado.

5 B. P RETERITE V ERBS WITH O RTHOGRAPHIC C HANGES : 1. I played basketball. Yo jugué al baloncesto/básquetbol. 2. We read the book. Nosotros leímos el libro. 3. He believed. Él creyó. 4. They heard. Ellos oyeron. 5. I practiced. Yo practiqué. 6. You all (formal) constructed. Ustedes construyeron. 7. You (singular formal) saw. Usted vio.

6 C. T OTALLY I RREGULAR P RETERITE V ERBS : 1. I went to the bathroom. Yo fui al baño. 2. They brought the fruit. Ellos trajeron la fruta. 3. He gave me the salad. Él me dio la ensalada. 4. We told the truth. Nosotros dijimos la verdad.

7 D. P RETERITE V ERBS WITH I RREGULAR R OOTS : 1. Andar (yo): yo anduve 2. Tener (ellos): ellos tuvieron 3. Poner (ella): ella puso 4. Querer (tú): tú quisiste 5. Poder (nosotros): nosotros pudimos

8 E. C HANGES IN M EANING IN THE P RETERITE : 1. Querer: to try 2. Saber: to find out 3. No poder: to fail 4. Tener: to get or obtain (not the same as to receive )

9 F. V ERBS THAT ARE S TEM C HANGING IN THE P RESENT T ENSE : 1. She served the food. Ella sirvió la comida. 2. They fell asleep at 9. Ellos se durmieron a las nueve. 3. We ate lunch yesterday. Nosotros almorzamos ayer. 4. He preferred the apple. Él prefirió la manzana.

10 G. V ERB CONJUGATION : 1. Andar (ella): Ella anduvo 2. Vivir (nosotros): Nosotros vivimos 3. Hacer (usted): Usted hizo 4. Estudiar (tú): Tú estudiaste 5. Huir (ellos): Ellos huyeron 6. O í r (nosotros): Nosotros oímos 7. Comprender (yo): Yo comprendí 8. Comenzar (yo): Yo comencé

11 H. E SCRIBIR : Needed to be 5-8 sentences in the preterite. Mistakes to avoid: Mucho can describe NOUNS or VERBS. It CANNOT describe adjectives. (You cannot be “a lot of tall”) If you want to say “very” to describe an adjective use “ muy ” Watch pedir conjugations – Yo pedí, Ella pidió Gender/# matching

12 Q UIZ TOMORROW : Regular and irregular imperfect conjugations Imperfect usage – be able to tell me the 6 main uses of imperfect Imperfect usage – be able to tell me which sentences you would do as imperfect out of a list and why. Sentence translation using the imperfect

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