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Cuentos Érase una vez practicar estrategias para memorizar

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Presentación del tema: "Cuentos Érase una vez practicar estrategias para memorizar"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Cuentos Érase una vez practicar estrategias para memorizar
This is the first lesson on storytelling. Mime the word ‘cuento(s)’ by opening an imaginary book, and repeat the phrase ‘Erase una vez’ a few times to them so that students get used to hearing it. As there are numbers in this story, a useful starter would be to practise counting up in 3s to 30 and back down in 2s. Although the text we are going to work on is not a story it is a text about fairy tales, with rhythm and rhyme and with the familiar language of numbers. The stages of learning the text through gesture, re-tellings, drawing, and ordering text cards models the stages of learning that we will use throughout this module. It reinforces confidence with speaking (pronunciation and intonation) and memorisation strategies. narrar un cuento practicar estrategias para memorizar 1

2 ¿Cuántos cuentos hay? Identifícalos.
3 Pon las imágenes en el órden correcto. Cuenta cuentos Cuenta un cuento, cuenta dos de Caperucita y el lobo feroz. Cuenta tres, cuenta cuatro de las botas que tenía un gato. Cuenta cinco, cuenta seis sobre los trajes de un rey. Cuenta siete, cuenta ocho de la nariz de Pinocho. Cuenta nueve, cuenta diez y cuéntalos otra vez. 4 1 Read this text out loud to the students, with actions for each key point. (If you look at slide 3 you will see that there are 20 actions all together). The numbers make the text much more familiar to students. The gestures could be as follows (main thing is to be consistent every time): Cuenta un cuento (open imaginary book) Cuenta dos (show 2 fingers) de Caparucita (draw an imaginary cloak around you) y el lobo feroz (hands up as claws of ferocious animal) Cuenta tres (3 fingers) cuenta cuatro (4 fingers) de las botas (mime putting on boots) que tenia un gato (fingers mime whiskers moving from mouth away from face) Cuenta cinco (5 fingers), cuenta seis (6 fingers) sobre los trajes (big gesture towards own clothes top to bottom) de un rey (draw crown above head with finger in circle anticlockwise) cuenta siete (7 fingers) cuenta ocho (8 fingers) de la nariz (point to nose) de Pinocho (mime nose growing longer drawing fingers out and away in front of face) Cuenta nueve (9 fingers) cuenta diez (10 fingers) y cuentalos (open book again) otra vez (roll hands over and over each other to show ‘again’). Teachers will need to know this text off by heart with the gestures so some practice will be needed! After reading through twice to students (asking them to follow along – they can mouthe or say words if they want to) ask them to try to identify how many fairy tales are in the text and to identify them, and then take feedback. Show them the pictures and ask them to tell you which order they appear in in the text (this is fine to do in the TL). If they are struggling after the first teacher reading, then let the 4 pictures appear (but not the order) to help them. The answers are animated to appear on mouse clicks. 2

3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Get a student to be i/c of the mouse to make the images appear as you re-tell the story with the gestures using this slide. The more times they hear the text the better, so let another volunteer take the mouse the 2nd time through and this time, encourage all students to join in with the numbers at the right points and also to join in on any other words they remember. 9 10

4 Either give or ask students to draw this 5 x 4 grid
Either give or ask students to draw this 5 x 4 grid. This time they are going to draw in a correct image as you re-tell the story. Try to do it line by line to reinforce the shape and rhythm of the text and lengthen their concentration spans as they listen and hold 4 x small pieces of information at a time. If this is not possible at first, slow right down and let them draw but build up speed as soon as you can. Emphasis that artistic skill is NOT a requirement here, but that this is to help memory (Try to use cognates and explain this in TL) For groups that will need lots and lots of repetition, it is better to do this on paper. They will then be able to cut up the squares and use them for re-ordering activities as they listen to a retelling of the story.

5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 This time through, encourage students to join in again with as much as they can of the text, doing the gestures with you too. Then they should cut up their own story map, put the pieces into an envelope. They work in pairs, choosing 1 x set of the story pieces to work with. Either give one of them the text to read aloud whilst the other puts in order (good to film them doing this) or they do it together while the teacher reads. 9 10

6 Cuenta un cuento cuenta dos de Caperucita y el lobo feroz. Cuenta tres
cuenta cuatro de las botas que tenía un gato. Cuenta cinco cuenta seis sobre los trajes de un rey. Cuenta siete cuenta ocho de la nariz de Pinocho. Cuenta nueve cuenta diez cuéntalos otra vez. Working with the text. Depending on the needs and level of students, they could also have the text on cards cut up and order it according to a teacher re-telling of the story.

7 ¿Cuántos cuentos hay? Identifícalos.
3 Pon las imágenes en el órden correcto. Cuenta cuentos Cuenta un cuento, cuenta dos de Caperucita y el lobo feroz. Cuenta tres, cuenta cuatro de las botas que tenía un gato. Cuenta cinco, cuenta seis sobre los trajes de un rey. Cuenta siete, cuenta ocho de la nariz de Pinocho. Cuenta nueve, cuenta diez y cuéntalos otra vez. 4 1 On this final read through, ask students to identify all the words for ‘the’ that they can find. El, las, los and la are there. Ask them to tell you what the word for ‘a’ or ‘some’ would be instead of the definite articles where they are in the text. You might find that they have really forgotten this! Tell them that you will return to it with other story texts you are going to study. If you feel they would benefit, use this text as the basis for a translation type activity where you ask them to generate the phrases e.g. a ferocious wolf some boots the cat some robes the king a nose etc… You can bring this back in the starter of the following lesson too if needed. 2

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