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Clase 25 La entrada triunfal. Zacarías 9:9-11; la profecía cumplida.

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Presentación del tema: "Clase 25 La entrada triunfal. Zacarías 9:9-11; la profecía cumplida."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Clase 25 La entrada triunfal. Zacarías 9:9-11; la profecía cumplida.
Jesús llora por Jerusalén. Cúpula de Salomón en el templo del Monte. La Higuera estéril. La purificación del templo. Las piedras clamarían

2 La última semana de Cristo
Rodeado de sufrimiento

3 I. La entrada triunfal Lectura: Lc. 19:29-38 Mt. 21:1-11 Mr. 11:1-10
Jn. 12:12-19 Sal. 118:19-29

4 Jerusalem area aerial from southeast close-up
Vista aerea del sureste de Jerusalén Jerusalem area aerial from southeast close-up Betfagé Betania

5 Viejo Jerusalén desde el Monte de Olivos






11 Esto es parte del Hallel (alabanza)
Salmos Unos himnos cantados durante la semana de Pascua. Salmo 118 El contexto del salmo es posiblemente una gran victoria para David y la nación de Israel porque Dios los había bendecido. O posiblemente porque volvían del exilio

12 Salmo 118 V. 21 _ La palabra para salvación es Yeshua, una variación de Jesús. V. 22 _ Compara con I Pedro 2:7 V. 25_ La palabra para “salvar” es Hoshana Vv _ ¿Alabanzas a Dios por Cristo?

13 II. Zacarías - la profecía cumplida
Lectura: Zac. 9:9-11

14 V. 11 ¿Referencia a la sangre del pacto? La fiesta que se acerca es la Pascua, donde se sacrifica el cordero. La sangre del nuevo pacto viene, de un nuevo Cordero.

15 Mr. 11:10 _ Bendito el reino de nuestro padre David que viene.
Las ramas de las palmeras no eran solamente para festejar - la palmera era un símbolo de orgullo nacional. Ofrecerlas al paso de Jesús podría haber sido tomado por los romanos como una amenaza de revolución. Mr. 11:10 _ Bendito el reino de nuestro padre David que viene.

16 III. Jesús llora por Jerusalén
Lectura: Lc. 19:41-44 Mt. 23:37-39

17 Dominus Flevit


19 Jerusalén Viejo desde el Dominus Flevit, y el cementerio musulmán


21 Dominus Flevit, Jesús en la cruz junto a Jerusalén

22 “Cuántas veces quise juntar a tus hijos como la gallina junta a su polluelos”

23 Templo del Monte, Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro

24 Temple Mount aerial from southeast
Monte del Templo desde el sureste Notar: la linea del Jardín, La puerta oriental, el monte Moría y el Gólgota Temple Mount aerial from southeast

25 Cementerio musulmán, Puerta Oriental

26 Puerta Occidental desde el este
Golden Gate from east An Earlier Gate below the Golden Gate? There may be an earlier gate below the Golden Gate. James Fleming fell into a hole near here and thinks he saw an earlier gate (Fleming 1982: 24). Leen Ritmeyer says that the arch Fleming saw protrudes from the outer face of the Golden Gate, which in turn sticks out from the line of the pre-Herodian eastern wall. What Fleming saw is the outer face of an arch which supported the platform of a staircase leading up to the gate. Thus the Golden Gate is in the same place as a Second Temple period gate. The presence of a Muslim cemetery precludes the possibility of excavation. Today, there is a girls Islamic school in the gate building.

27 Puerta Oriental desde el oeste

28 IV. Cúpula de Salomón en el templo del Monte

29 Dome of the Tablets Location of Temple: Three Major Views
Asher Kaufman, Hebrew University physicist, believes that the Temple was located 330 feet (100 m) northwest of the Dome of the Rock, under the Dome of the Tablets (pictured above). The Dome of the Tablets is also known as the Dome of the Spirits. Leen Ritmeyer, architectural draftsman, argues that the Holy of Holies was on the Sakhra inside the Dome of the Rock. David Jacobson suggests that the center of the main hall of the Temple was over the Sakhra. Dome of the Tablets

30 Cúpula de Salomón en el Monte del Templo

31 Monte Moría

32 Mr. 11:11 _ Cristo va al templo, y vuelve a Betania para pasar allí la noche.
En Mateo 12:17, Cristo vuelve a Betania después del evento con la higuera y la purificación del templo. Betania significa “casa de los pobres”. Cristo fue allí cada día esta semana a la salida del templo. De la casa de Dios a la casa de los pobres. ¿Un símbolo de su misión celestial en la tierra?

33 V. La higuera estéril - La lección de la fe
Lectura: Mr. 11:12-14, 20-25 Mt. 21:18-22



36 VI. La purificación del templo
Lectura: Mr. 11:15-19 Mt. 21:12-13 Lc. 19:45-46

37 Tomando estas las dos citas del pasaje ordenadas al revés, vemos:
Jer. 7:11 _ Por remez, Cristo deja ver que los judíos tienen muchos pecados, y que serán rechazados por Dios. Is. 56:6-8 _ Y los gentiles serán aceptados por Dios. Is. 2:2-4, 56:6-8 (Jn 10:16) ¿Por qué estaba enojado Cristo cuando limpió el templo?

38 Temple Mount Royal Stoa from northeast
The Royal Stoa The Temple Mount plaza was surrounded by covered colonnades on all sides. The largest one was on the south side and was known as the “Royal Stoa.” This area was used for monetary transactions and judicial activity. The Royal Stoa was built with four rows of monolithic columns crowned by Corinthian capitals. The columns were 27 feet high and 4.6 feet in diameter. “Several column and capital fragments have been found, along with pieces of upper sections of decoration, some painted gold” (McRay 1991: 110). “The Sanhedrin may have moved to the Royal Porch about the time of the death of Christ; according to the Babylonian Talmud it was ‘forty years before the destruction of the Temple’ that the Sanhedrin moved from its former meeting place at the Chamber of Hewn Stone, which the Mishnah states was ‘in the Temple Court’” (McRay 1991: 110). The model of the Royal Stoa is based upon the Stoa of Attalos in Athens, which was recently reconstructed. Stoa Real

39 Herod's Temple from northeast
Templo de Herodes desde el Noreste

40 Pared (soreq) dentro del lugar del templo. Ef. 2:14
Promesa de entrar al Lugar Santísimo. He. 10:19ss

41 Resumen Esta es la entrada de un “rey guerrero”. Que haya ido al templo y después SALIERA es un anticlimax asombroso (Mr. 11:11). Al día siguiente, en vez de ofrecer un sacrifico como rey, él ataca las prácticas del templo y los sacrificios. No sólo vuelca las mesas, sino las expectativas también. La entrada triunfal que comenzó en Marcos 11 terminará en Marcos 15 con la ejecución, no de los prisioneros de guerra, ¡sino del rey divino!

42 ¿Qué más tenía de especial este sitio relacionado con la iglesia del Nuevo Testamento?

43 Temple Mount Royal Stoa from northeast
The Royal Stoa The Temple Mount plaza was surrounded by covered colonnades on all sides. The largest one was on the south side and was known as the “Royal Stoa.” This area was used for monetary transactions and judicial activity. The Royal Stoa was built with four rows of monolithic columns crowned by Corinthian capitals. The columns were 27 feet high and 4.6 feet in diameter. “Several column and capital fragments have been found, along with pieces of upper sections of decoration, some painted gold” (McRay 1991: 110). “The Sanhedrin may have moved to the Royal Porch about the time of the death of Christ; according to the Babylonian Talmud it was ‘forty years before the destruction of the Temple’ that the Sanhedrin moved from its former meeting place at the Chamber of Hewn Stone, which the Mishnah states was ‘in the Temple Court’” (McRay 1991: 110). The model of the Royal Stoa is based upon the Stoa of Attalos in Athens, which was recently reconstructed. Stoa Real-¿lugar de reuniones de los 120? (Hch. 2)

44 Temple Mount southern wall
The Hulda Gates The southern gates of the Temple Mount are known as the Hulda Gates for one of two reasons: The prophetess Hulda (2 Kings 22) had a monument here. The word “Hulda” means “mole” and this characterized these underground passageways to the Temple Mount. Today the western gate is preserved as a “Double Gate” and the eastern one is preserved as a “Triple Gate.” Some scholars believe that both were originally double gates (as is depicted on the model). For traffic control, entrance to the Temple Mount was by the eastern gate and exit was by the western gate. The exception to this rule was those who were in mourning over the passing of an immediate family member. They would go the opposite direction, thus to be comforted by those who knew them. Pared sur del Templo

45 Temple Mount aerial from south close-up
Nueva entrada a los establos de Salomón Temple Mount aerial from south close-up Mesquita Al Aqsa Pasaje a la puerta triple Museo Islámico Puerta Doble Puerta Triple Bulge Vista aérea del Templo del monte

46 Southern steps with Psalms of Ascent
Pilgrims in biblical times would sing the “Psalms of Ascent” as part of their approach to the Temple. The Psalms of Ascent are Psalms It is not known exactly where these psalms would have been sung. Some suggest that the pilgrims sang them at various stations on the roads leading to Jerusalem. Others believe that they were sung on a series of steps inside the Court of the Women. Another possibility for where the psalms were sung is this monumental staircase on the southern wall of the Temple Mount. In favor of this proposal is the fact that there are 15 wide steps, corresponding with the 15 Psalms of Ascent. It may be that these psalms were sung in many different places by different groups of pilgrims. It is also possible that the places shifted over the centuries. Southern steps with Psalms of Ascent

47 Escaleras sureñas mirando a los Olivos

48 VII. La indignación de los jefes de los sacerdotes
Lectura: Mt. 21:14-16 Lc. 19:39-40

49 ¿Por qué estaban tan enojados los líderes religiosos con lo que decían los niños y la gente?
Sal. 8:2 _ El que recibe alabanza es Dios, y Cristo se hacía igual a Dios.

50 Zac. 10:7 Los niños se alegrarán en el Señor.
Otra referencia interesante a niños que gozan, y el contexto Zac. 10:7 Los niños se alegrarán en el Señor. Zac. 10:2b _ Ovejas sin pastor. Zac. 10:3 _ Castigaré a los líderes. Zac. 10:4 _ De Judá viene la piedra angular. Zac. 10:5 _ El Señor ganará la batalla.

51 VIII. Las piedras clamarán
Lectura: Lc. 19:40

52 Piedras que claman

53 ¿Qué dirían las piedras?
Dios es La Roca (Gn. 49:24, Dt. 32:4) Josué y las 12 piedras del Jordán (Jos. 4:4-7) Jacob (Gen. 28:18-22) 10 mandamientos (Ex. 20) Monte Ebal (Dt. 27:1-8)

54 Josué y el pacto (Jos. 24:25-27)
Samuel (1 S. 7:12) Zacarías (Zac. 3:8-9) La piedra de la tumba (Mt. 28:2) La iglesia es colección de piedras (1P.) Cristo es la Piedra Viva (1 P. 2) Piedra blanca como premio (Ap. 2:17)

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